Open sores,help, can hardly walk.
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Inwas diagnosed with VA around four years ago,I had blood in urine and went for a cystoscopy.
My GP put me on oestrogel and I was fine with it then.
A couple of years ago I had a rectocele repair, and the burning after that was horrendous, all of perineum, rectal area right to front of urethra, I was told I had pudendal neuralgia caused by prolapse repair So have been treated for that in pain clinic. In the meantime, my vulval area has become very sore and swollen, seems worse when I use oesrogel. Wasn’t sure where the pain actually was coming from, so severe, so came off Nortriptyline, to see what happened. Pain at the moment is inside labia, tried to have a look with specs on and magnifying mirror. Inside labia is very red and swollen, and there are open sores, looks like the skin is breaking down, and is so painful. Sitting has been a problem for years, and now I am struggling. On top of this, the last two nights I have woken up scratching like mad, which hasn’t helped.
My gynae said I have fair fragile skin, but that was about a year ago, and he wants me to see a vulval dermatologist. I have an appointment in a couple of weeks. I have tried every cream I can think of to soothe it until then. Any suggestions?
I have a couple of appointments with my daughter, I have to drive to take her and will have to sit for a while, don’t know how!
I am 72, so menopause well behind me.
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Sassyr12a Laura3333
Hello Laura
I'm so sorry about your troubles, sounds really awful. I have lichen sclerosis which was diagnosed about 12 yrs ago. It's an auto immune disease usually with older ladies, but I got it at 30. It causes inflammation around the labia, vuvla and rectum, it's itchy, can present with white patches but it makes the skin incredibly fragile. So much so that I can easily cut myself with toilet paper. Now I'm not sure if this is similar, but certainly a dermatologist will work it out. I was advised not to use any cream other than a steroid one prescribed. To wash I use only perfume free and it helps if you use a pH emoliant in the bath to keep the area hydrated. I wouldn't use anything else while you're waiting. I hope that helps but wish you a speedy recovery xx
Laura3333 Sassyr12a
I bought some baby flannels, and don’t use toilet paper, just dab with a damp one when I wee,as if any runs over the raw bits it’s like acid! I think the oestrogel has def made it worse,and triple the size.
Hope the dermatologist does have an answer.
Sassyr12a Laura3333
Hi Laura
The cream I've had for excema and psoriasis is different to the one for LC, but who knows. Sounds like you're doing all you can for now, but maybe try antihistamine as well? May take the reaction back a notch, also keep the area cool if you can and wear only cotton drawers. I know it can be incredibly painful, I feel sorry for you. Any idea how long it will take to see the dermatologist? Xx
Laura3333 Sassyr12a
Laura3333 Sassyr12a
jude84900 Laura3333
Hi Laura,
Have you thought about a compounded estriol cream? Estriol is the safest of the estrogens and seems to be very mild. You can get two different creams, one for the inside which you insert with a applicator at bedtime and another for all around the outside parts. Might be worth a shot. Maybe the estrogen cream you have been using is too strong and causing more irritation. If you do find something like this that gets things feeling better you should continue using it or your problems will come back. Our bodies just don't produce enough of these good estrogen to keep us healthy in these parts after menopause. Sounds like you've really been suffering. Coconut oil might add some relief of the pain in between but I would try the compounded estriol creams. Good Luck.
Laura3333 jude84900
I have some coconut oil but was worried I might introduce infection where it’s very raw. Thanks for your help.
amanda59745 Laura3333
Laura3333 amanda59745
DearDoe Laura3333
Laura3333 DearDoe
Sassyr12a Laura3333
Hi Laura
I'm glad they have a plan and I'll keep my fingers crossed that you start to get some relief soon. Keep us posted xx
Laura3333 Sassyr12a
Sassyr12a Laura3333
Oh Laura, I bet that's dragging you down. Hope it feels better xx
amanda59745 Laura3333
Laura3333 amanda59745
It is very strong. 0.3 %. Compared to a normal steroid cream of 0.01%
He also assured me it would not cause thinning in inflamed areas, so I need to stick with it, he also said the skin was breaking down and weeping, so of course it is going to hurt like hell.
I have been using it for almost a week, and don’t look as swollen, so fingers crossed it will work..
amanda59745 Laura3333