Overly stressed dread feeling!!!
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so i feel really overwhelmed on day 6 of cycle and feel like im crazy have no appetite and when i eat i feel nauseous idk why havent slept well in two days my body feels like its in overdrive i dont have fast heart rate or standard anxiety stmptoms its just this constant feeling if fustration like inwill explode or lose it and feeling like crying which i hold in its just a feeling that somethingbia foong to happen very weird both kids home and home schooling im working drom home full time had computer issues last week was 4 days of hell huaband is home and he teaches son and he gets fustrated and it puts me on edge more no personal space any little thing gives me the urge to cry so i think there is something wrong with me my car has issues inhave been on diet for two weeks and that fustrates me it feels like no matter what i do it wont help and will always feel like this am i crazy???!!
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liz28780 christina81747
Hi I know it's difficult at the moment. I sometimes have that feeling of needing to cry and if I do even if briefly it eases the frustration. Take some time out for yourself have a cry if you need to as it's your body's natural pain relief both for physical and emotional pain. If you feel you cant cry easily then try a cathartic intervention like watching a sad film or listen to some music I know that sounds bizarre and the opposite of what we feel we should do but it's important to recognise feelings and not repress them. Our bodies are controlled by our hormones aren't they!! Try some relaxation techniques too and deep breaths life is extra stressful at the moment so even without the hormone imbalance this is really beneficial even 10 minutes each night. Really hope you feel better soon.
katyD211 christina81747
Big hugs....honey, you are stressed. Did you read what you do in one day, in one space, with all the people in your home??? You mention you feel like crying but haven't, like you're going to burst....can you go outside somewhere (with your mask on) like a walk in a park or the woods...and LET IT OUT!!!!
Then take a lavendar bubble soak in the tub, listen to your favorite music, then watch something funny.
I read your words and see myself....funny how that happens. But I'm here thinking i have some sinister disease happening that's causing mental and physical symptoms. So while I'm offering you comfort i'm driving my family nuts with my own anxiety. Sighhhh.... It's this damn pandemic world we're in, on top of what we would normally be stressing about.
Do what works for you..and keep doing it.
christina81747 katyD211
thank you for replying i thought i wrote back to u then ughhh my brain! i know this world is crazy right now i dint wven watch the news anymore i cant stand it well im back on fay 5 this time and feeling the crazy kick in again im so on edge my daughter is 15 next month and struggling with visitation scedule with dad its too much and he is anal and ahe is umcomfortable wirh him and scareed to tell him anything ughh she comes home crying now and says she is stressed from it and i have no control of it i hate him we dont get along and he is overbearing and wants to cling to her ughhh and now im antixipating her leaving tonight for weekend i feel crazy
c14889 christina81747
You are not crazy! Been there; it seems to get better!