Overwhelmed with stress
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Hello Ladies !
My last period was 9 months ago, and I have suffered from hot flushes etc,so have tried vitamin B ,magnesium and I suppose the flushes I can cope with, but the anxiety and brain fog is another matter.
Saw my GP and she prescribed anti depressants but have tried to steer clear of these,but the moment stress hits my life,I totally fall apart !
I am 52 years of age and some would say a successful business woman but I do not recognise the person in the mirror and I am concerned that work will start to see my failings and things will start getting tough for me ?
I cannot remember stuff, get tearful very easily , that in my forties I would have seen as a challenge I just want to hand my notice in at work and stay in bed.
I suppose what I am asking is ...am I alone, will this get better ?
Feel better just writing this down but this is so not me.
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Lisaippie regional
regional Lisaippie
susan21149 regional
i am 47 and in the same boat with anxieties i had to stop me nurontin because of how tired i was and i had to stop my hrts because of the bleeding it caused me. While i was bleeding at the end of July i felt weak anxious and tired and not in to it
I am just taking my ativan, up to 3 mgs trazodone 50mgs losartan for blood pressure and i asked my doctor to add amlodipine 2.5mg to help with blood pressure
I am also taking vitamin d3 a multivitamin my levothyroxine and my metformin and my famotidine due to Gerd
Have been having trouble sleeping don't know what to do
Sick of all these meds
Lisaippie susan21149
pam1313 regional
pinkcatfairy regional
VauxhallGirl pinkcatfairy
pinkcatfairy VauxhallGirl
VauxhallGirl pinkcatfairy
pinkcatfairy regional
Bobbins059 regional
Take Care, take each day as it comes. Sending hugs xo
Glitzy Bobbins059
MrsMerm Glitzy
But tonight I have one of the old symtoms (returned) it's too wierd, like a creeping sensation under my skin, under the skin on my arms and my head feels light, it comes in waves, I know this is meno, I am such a postive person but I have to say that this has been the worst time in my life (really)
I mean just how is a person supposed to continue working with all these things going on
and I feel like such a hypochondriac talking with GP's and others who may not have experienced the worst symtoms of the change themselves
I've had !. the fog, 2. hot flushes 3. allergies 4. exhaustion 5. thinning hair 6. weight gain, 7. wierd sensations (creeping under skin 8. pruritus and dry skin, 9.insomnia 10. over emotional tearful and others I may have forgotten because the effect has gone away for a bit
I UNDERSTAND AND CAN ONLY SAY HOW SORRY I FEEL IF YOU are experiencing the menopause like this
Nite all xxx
susan21149 MrsMerm
I just want it to go away so i can be normal again
Lisaippie susan21149
Bobbins059 Glitzy
Take Care & hope you're feeling better. Sending hugs
regional Bobbins059
sandra01691 susan21149
Glitzy MrsMerm
Glitzy Bobbins059
Bobbins059 Glitzy
Take Care, keep well xo
Glitzy Bobbins059
Bobbins059 Glitzy
Take Care xo
Glitzy Bobbins059
MrsMerm Glitzy
Hope your hair turns out nice hun
Mrs M
Glitzy MrsMerm
MrsMerm Glitzy
enjoy yours though hun