Ovulation Days just after 4 days of period
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Hi friends
I read somewhere as we move to closer to menopause periods become closer ...is it true ?? .
ovulation days also come early in menopause ?
After periods i feel little better at least for few days ....but this time only 4 days r ok then white mucus start coming and i feel dizzy , tired and off balance ...is my ovulation days start ??
i am very confused what is going on ......not able to make any plan for anywhere because i donot know how i feel tomorrow. Very hard phase of life is menopause..each day is unpredictable..donot know what symptoms tomorrow brings..ππ
Anyone experience same ?
1 like, 6 replies
staci88515 sunaina1983
I have a period every 21 days. I use the period tracker app Clue. I started using it over two years ago when I had spotting for over 30 days straight. It has been very useful in tracking my period and ovulation. You really start to see a pattern. Clue is free and I know that there are other similar apps out there. It might be worth a try. xo
sunaina1983 staci88515
Thanks mam for reply.
i will use tracker app..thanks alot for info
Keljo48 sunaina1983
Mine became erratic. I would skip a period, or like half a period then be normal then skip two and then have one long one and skip 4 and then have a few months with light periods etc. Then I had one time I just had a really long period. Skip 6 months etc. until eventually they quit all together. Last period Oct 5, 2017. I personally wouldn't rely on the mucous. I went through a phase of thick, blobby mucous in peri. Unfortunately it is a uncertain and very difficult transition. I would rather go through puberty again than ever go through menopause. Peri/or post.
I don't know how far you are into your peri or your age. I just stopped making definite plans π Because I daily it was a crapshoot on how I would feel waking up. (It kind of still is) About 7 years total for me in peri transitioning to post. :I
For me post is no picnic either, scary symptoms but not as horrible as my peri was. Plus side -no periods!
sunaina1983 Keljo48
Thanks for reply mam
ohh sad to hear that in post menopause also ur suffering . earlier i thought that only peri is difficult after post all symptoms will over and we r back to normal selfs..
how far me on peri i myself donot know.π..and my age is 39 dear..started experiencing horrible symptoms from last year....many symptoms comes and go but head pressure and dizziness is constant ...My life fully change now..home bound .left job...stuggling alot in peri.
And ur right mam this is very uncertain phase .u cannot plan anything ..every day new symptom waiting for u ..
if some one ask me can i see u tomorrow i told them will confirm in morning hahaha ...waiting for better days.
This is long dark tunnel..waiting to see light on other end
Tk mam
pamela2016 sunaina1983
i been tracking my periods ever since i started this journey and about 3 years ago my cycles and ovulation come within a few days of each other ill have my cycle then two days after ovulation week starts. and at times im having two cycles a months mines all over the place early late I'm yet to start skipping i skipped a few last year but back to what i deal with now. seems this crap just lingers and makes us miserable i been dealing with heavy cycles as well past few years. hopefully the end is near its so tiring
sunaina1983 pamela2016
Mam i think these pattern in peri is unpredictable.difficult to calculate about next period pattern ...soo much uncertainty in Peri ππ
I always co relate with past pattern but no match ..some times ovulation in 10 days and sometimes 4 days after periods...No pattern π