pain in back of head and tight shoulders

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Hi ladies,

Does anyone have pain and pressure in back of head starting from neck region? I get these kind of headaches but they are centered in the base of my skull and sometimes pain radiates down my neck to my shoulders. It comes on suddenly and then its terrible where I can hardly lay down

so tired and sick of all this

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    Yes, a million times yes! Sometimes the headache pain is like a really tight band around my head, but almost constant neck and shoulder pain. For me, neck pain even when the headache isn't bugging me.

    I am 3 years post, and finally these weird headaches are mostly gone, thank goodness!!!

    Hang in there!!

  • Posted

    Yes! I have been getting these headaches off and on for several years now. They are very similar to headaches I used to get before my period would start. Had a hysterectomy with ovaries left in four years ago and thats when I started getting them more frequently because I believe that even though I had my ovaries, without the blood supply from my uterus they began to fail. I would also sometimes have ringing in my ears with them. Tight head pressure back of head and into neck and sometimes my whole head would feel tight. Fast forward to this past November....had both ovaries removed due to huge cyst on one and the other one had fused to my bowel causing pelvic pain. I am 58 years old and figure I am well into my post meno journey so the ovaries should have been pretty much non functioning. Well, within 3 days of my surgery I developed that head pressure, ear ringing headache and had it EVERY day for 3 weeks until it finally eased up but still a dull headache every day! I suspect it is caused by a drop in estrogen and that my poor old ovaries were still functioning to some extent, then when they were removed...bam!Three weeks ago I started on low dose estrogen gel and I have to say that after a week the headaches have decreased now I am convinced its an estrogen drop that causes them.

  • Posted

    Thank you for the responses. I did go to see a doctor but they said bad posture and spinal curve could be causing it. I am 48 and never had any headcahes till now . Started in peri menopause all of a sudden

    I use a heat compress and it helps sometimes

    Just hard to fathom how this happens. Almost like aging overnight with a multitude of physical and emotional issues.

  • Posted

    Hi.. this seems almost certain that it's related to the bones in your neck .. spondylitis.. age related wear and tear ..

  • Posted

    I get neck pain whenever I have a migraine. I constantly rub the back of my neck during one. I also have this weird neck/shoulder tightness as if I have been tensing these areas for hours. It is difficult to relax them as if its just not possible to release the tension. Sorta hard to explain.

  • Posted

    yes! in my 48th year as well. Lasted a few months almost daily. they were very painful. I bought a massager that really helped. Haven't had one in a year now or more.

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