Pain in one breast

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Anyone had pain in just one breast entering peri?  Periods are still pretty regular but heavy.  Some nights sweats. I have so much pain in one breast that I have a diagnostic mamo on Thursday but god that feels like year away (when the only explanation feels like it's...bad...)


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    Desiree, I have fibrocystic breasts which have gone totally out of control now. The one cyst in my left breast was like the size of an implant! Well, maybe not that big, but you know.. The radiologist said "your cysts are so much bigger than last year, there must be something wrong with you, have you seen a doctor?" If she only knew how MANY doctors I've seen this year! That breast was very painful, into my underarm and chest too. I had breast MRI, ultrasound, and mammogram just to make sure nothing was going on other than the out of control cysts. The only way you will know for sure is to have your mamo, and ask for an ultrasound too. But really, try not to start worrying yet, (I know that's easier said than done) because this really could be hormonal.


    • Posted

      Thanks!  Could you feel the cyst?  I can't find any lumps or bumps.  

    • Posted

      The one in my left breast I could feel, it was big and under my nipple. I can't feel it now, but my breast still hurts. Depending on where I'm at in my cycle it can get extremely painful. It's a good thing you can't find any lumps, maybe you have something else going on? Is it hot?

  • Posted

    Yes always same breast the 'right side' nightmare isn't it, my also feel like a couple of cannon balls at certain times

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    I get angry if my husband even brushes against them!
  • Posted

    Yes, I've had this... had it a lot more early on in peri.  Very scary.  Taking evening primrose oil and flaxseed oil daily has helped.

  • Posted

    Yes I get the same pain a week before my period,  it's always one Brest my left one, it feels like electric shocks, it goes away after my period. 

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