Pain Medina coil
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i had a coil fitted two weeks ago today and for the last week ive had the most horrific period pains - terrible headaches - awful memory and inabilty to concerntrate and firm to say its ruined my xmas . before i had dreadful anxiety but thats still as bad - i was patches for 6 months before but an now worse than ever - is it worth perservering as im planning on asking for it to be removed tomorrow
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lydia2311 nicola42772
im sorry to read this, and hear the mirena is giving you pain. I had one fitted to reduce heavy periods, but i had a very poor response to it. Heightened anxiety, jittery, emotional and constant low level achy pelvic pain, as well as constant spotting. My gyno said to stick it out for six months for things to settle, but i only got to four months and begged to have it removed by another gp. I felt like a failure as so many of my friends have had no problems at all, but the gp said some women are more sensitive to the synthetic progesterone in the mirena.
2chr2015 lydia2311
are you doing anything to replace the mirena?
lydia2311 2chr2015
I went on birth control pills aged 48, but they really knocked me around physically. My periods then reduced and became irregular and perimenopause symptoms kicked in with a vengeance, so I started hrt, which has improved things for me considerably.
2chr2015 nicola42772
im sorry to hear you are going through this. i am considering getting a mirena soon. what was the reason you got one?
laura21869 nicola42772
Interesting, this mirena coil, not a common practice in the U.S. I'd never heard of it before, and had to look it up. I guess it's like an IUD...
I was continuing to take my birth control pills, too, even though I think I'm beyond being able to conceive, to try and regulate my hormones. My hot flashes were better, actually, when I was still taking the pill. I've quit taking those - it didn't seem natural, and am hoping that HRT (while equally unnatural) will be effective for me.