Painful Ears and the Menopause!
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I was just wondering if this is another menopausal symptom.
For a few months now I have been having awful pain in my outer ear. I'm talking about the upper gristle part. It's always when I lie on my side while sleeping and is so painful.
People look at me like I'm a crazy woman when I mention this. I'm afraid to tell my GP as I feel he may think it is such a petty complaint.
I am peri now for about two years and wouldn't go on HRT for medical reasons. I have a vitamin D deficiency and was told my immune system was overactive and was put on medication to balance this.
Sorry for waffling on so much. I went online for a solution and read the upper ear was related to the hormones.
Was just wondering did anyone else have this symptom or maybe it was something else?
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jayneejay helen16248
Menopause and decline of hormones can cause ringing in the ear type complaints,
But outer ear not heard about,
I have woken with a painful numb ear once or twice buy due to how i slept i think.
If you have pain on the top of your outer ear have someone check it or look at it in mirror and compare with the other.
Tops of ears get sun damage so check as this can be nasty. I wont go into it. Dont wish to scare. But check that wont you.
Jay x
helen16248 jayneejay
It is both my ears that are effected and it's every time I lie down to sleep. It's though someone squeezed top of ears with pliers. I can rule out sun damage as I never stay out in sun as I can't tolerate it due to my pale complexion. Also I have curly hair which always falls down to cover my ears. It's going on 6 months and
its driving me crazy I am embarrassed to mention to anyone.
When I do I always get the same reaction that no one has ever heard of it.
Sorry for the rant .!
Thx 4 the reply x
jayneejay helen16248
If its driving you crazy mention it to the doctor..
Get some full blood tests done etc aswell check all okay ..
Jay x
helen16248 jayneejay
I will mention this to my GP.
Kimimila helen16248
Not that I'm surprised as I ascribed ALL problems I had during my decade of agony to perimenopause. I first became aware of the pain in my outer ear after I'd suffered a migraine for four days (another symptom) during which I spent most of the time in bed. This was in 2010 and I was 52. Last period 06/2013, so I'm offically in menopause.
Eventually I constructed a foamrubber contraption with a hole in it to give space to my ear when lying on my side, ha ha! It was always my right side because that used to be my favourite side to sleep on.
As I have migraines less and less - can't even remember exactly when last, but it was some months ago - I only occasionally have outer earache these days.
I've only ever tackled any hormone-related problems with natural meds and new, healthier thought processes. In the end we have to weather through it. It isn't any easier for those on HRT because it seems that they still keep certain problems and when they go off them they still get hot flushes and what not.
It's far from natural for a woman of 61 to still have her hormones regulated with HRT (my sister). Doctors don't tell you, or they just don't know, what the long-term side effects are. Thanks, but no thanks.
What many people are not aware of is that doctors and hospitals are BUSINESSES, people. Most of them are not in it for the love of YOU. Help heal your own body. You are intelligent. Your body listens and you can ask it questions. Applied Kinesiology can help some.
klvb1162 helen16248
sharcerv52408 helen16248
julie67996 helen16248
Hi Helen 16248
I'm actually menopausal and am getting a pain at the back of my ear like a shooting pain. I wondered if the pain you're referring to is like a shooting pain? The one I get is really annoying .