painful feet after surgical menopause
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Mmm. Been doing ok since I was put into surgical menopause 9 weeks ago. All typical symptoms but livial has helped so just a few symptoms of weight gain and minor hot flushes almost always 10pm as tho tablet I take in morning has worn off. The strange thing I'm getting though is painful feet like I'm trying to walk on stones pain on soles and tops of feet. Worse when I've just got up or been sitting down. Has anyone else had this. Could it be side effect of op or medication? ?
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annieschaefer froggy28
Sure sounds like you are describing Plantars Faciitiis with the painful feet symptoms. I felt and still do at times, like I am walking on marbles (you say stones on stones on soles) when first moving about.
I had hoped it would improve with the hypothyroid medication a few months back, as low thyroid function can cause this but it simply can just happen. I have found wearing foot sleeves specific for this issue to be the most helpful for me. That's after trying the steroid shots, night foot brace and various foot exercises.
You may want to see a podiatrist to be sure this might be or not, your issue.
Best wishes to you.
Annie xx
should read "you say stones on soles"..... sorry for the repittion.
susan21149 froggy28
I understand what you are going through with the walking
roseyellow froggy28
Hot flashes were so bad,that I went to dr and was put on Estrogen.
Also a p.m med for restless legs.
pinkcatfairy froggy28