Painful intercourse

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I'm 53 and since menopause, sex is too painful. I've tried creams, lubricants and Osphena. But, I had side effects with the Osphena. My husband is very understanding but I don't want this to continue if I can help it. Please offer suggestions.

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9 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi, coconut oil makes a nice, fairly comfortable lubricant but I tried everything and the only thing that stops the horrible sandy feeling for me is HRT.

    I use a plant based bio identical. I'm a year older than you.

  • Posted

    I've tried everything to! I now use bio identical oestrogen pessaries and it's a miracle.  I've lost all interest in that department but have through desperation started hrt 9 days ago and it's been amazing for me. All my symptoms and I have loads have reduced by 50% and it's getting better daily. Totally no pain during sex and some interest, I've only used 2 pessaries. I take biodentical oestrogen in a patch and 1 progesterone tab at night, it has helped me so much and I was anti hrt for so long, tried everything else without success. I'm 18 months period free.
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    I was put on on low dose birth control pills and that also worked for me, when HRT, didn't. I was 53 when I started them also.
  • Posted

    Oh gosh, I wish I had an answer for you. Have you tried HRT? I am hoping to try HRT and Osphena, anything! I haven't had sex for about 2 years, it hurt so bad, like razors are cutting me. And the sweating, it is terrible. I have tried lubricants, no good. And I was given Estrace cream for a while several yrs ago, the wonderful (not) gyn told me to have sex at least twice a week. Then she refused to see me again!! Good luck.
    • Posted

      I was having the razor blades feeling too it went away after I was put on low dose birth control pills. Later, she told me buy gynecologist 'll and it worked.
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      Gyne cream 'll, I mean.
  • Posted

    Sorry, I wanted to ask a question. Was anyone a DES baby? Your mother would of been given it when she was pregnant to prevent miscarriage, which it did not do. I was told since I was 19 that I am. My mother denied this until a yr before she died, for whatever reason. There are no records of my birth or my brothers...Just wondered cuz it caused what? deformities in my entire reproductive system. It took 5 yrs of medicine and surgeries for me to get pg, then bedrest and surgery when I was pg. I did have an 8#15oz baby boy. He's a big guy now, be 29 this yr. Just wonder if this makes my problems worse and any one elses.
    • Posted

      Sha, you need to talk to your gynecologist about this. I sort of recall this because of issues with your reproductive organs problems and having to take HRT for it. Find out with your gynecologist to see what's the right meds are for you to take.

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