Painful knee joints...
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I've read a few posts from ladies on here that mention painful joints, but don't know which joints you were meaning? Not sure if it's peri related or just wear and tear. Dr gave me ibuleve and physio exercises to do, has anyone fot any other suggestions/advice?
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Sochima822 amber1620
amber1620 Sochima822
paula20385 amber1620
Take care
amber1620 paula20385
elaine33371 amber1620
Try Voltorol its a cream, its very expensive, but works for me, i have osteo and its very good on my hands for pain, get the small tube incase it doesnt work for you, One thing though, are you on Statins, as they can affect amongst others, knee joints?? but menopause causes aching joints also, and if your developing osteoarthritis, it will flare during this time, check your hands for hard boney nodules at the end of your fingers just below your nail, some will be painful when pressed, some wont, thats osteo arthritis of the hands, can you wear high heels? or, is it too painful on, either, or, both your big toes, as if their breaking at the joint in the middle, again thats oesteo of the toes, i also have it in my pelvic joint, causes inflammation extremely painful, triggers sciatica, joint locks when i lie on my stomach, boy is that painful................. have it in my neck and shoulder joint, classed as cervical joints, elbows as well, wear strap for that when it plays up, works brilliantly, believe you can straps for knee joints as well, most joints really, my husband has used magnets in the past works for his back, problem is, you cant keep taking ibuprofen really bad for stomach lining, so use them sparringly if you can. acupuncture good, but only whilst your having it done, wears off quick.
amber1620 elaine33371
elaine33371 amber1620
To be honest, i feel ive been lucky really Jane, i have a high pain threshold, so although it can be bad in my back, the rest is copeable, Sorry volatrol didnt work for you. If your gp ever suggests Statins, say No, they are linked to causing problems with joints, knees in particular, and diabetes, my friend developed both, and there is no diabetes in the family, doesnt mean everyone will suffer this way tho, but if you already have aching joints, and they suggest statins for cholesterol ever, then ask for an alternative, just say, no dont like side affects with statins, but willing to try something else, research everything they try to give you, before you decide, because you end up taking other meds to combat side affects, who wants that!!
If you develop osteo, it will be very gradual takes years, its just wear and tear thats all, first it will start on one side of body, then the next, but its very slow to do this, where as with rheumatoid it goes on both sides fairly quickly, and causes a lot more swelling than osteo. and rheumatoid is a more serious condition.
Yes there is lots you can do to treat it yourself, i dont really take stuff to be honest, i have tried things but dont keep it going, as most stuff hasnt worked, so why pay all that, did goe and see a homeopathist for 4 years, he was excellent, very expensive though, i tend to think if i give this thing too much negative energy it will make things worse so i refuse to do that, the one thing i did ask for was, anti depressants, as the depression became so black.............awful! and you cant think positive when its like that, so im on, Sertrlline only on a low dose, its eased it, and thats all i was looking for, also helps with migraines, a lot of people say its not a very good anti depresssant, but like everything, depends on your body................ not on anything else. just lifestyle changes.
amber1620 elaine33371
Zigangie amber1620
My husband said to rest them so I did a bit at christmas but I found they hurt more then when I had to do something than they do if I keep active. They still hurt just not quite as much.
I'm thinking maybe get some cod liver oil capsules or other joint herbal. The only thing is I'm already taking a few supplements and I have a cupboard full of stuff I buy but end up not using.
amber1620 Zigangie