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Hi all

Is any one else experiencing pain in the shoulder area and mid back area 

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21 Replies

  • Posted

    Muscular aches and pains are very common in menopause, they’re dur to the hormonal flictuations.
    • Posted

      Try doing some gentle stretches of the muscles - it may help.
    • Posted

      Thanks I will try this 

      I have a desk job and this is causing me a lot of pain 

      I will try the stretching 

  • Posted

    Yes common at this time, I have invested in one of those electric back massagers works every time even for sciatica
    • Posted

      Is that one that you place on a chair that you sit on or a tems machine
    • Posted

      You place it wherever, its not the large one for chairs or tens but I think any massage is good, I have had it for a while its a shiatsu massager I think but It really does help. I had painful sciatica the other morning and I placed it on my leg where it was hurting for a while and the pain eased off greatly, it heats up too x
    • Posted

      Thanks this I really helpful and will be good to use at my desk at work x
  • Posted

    Hi Lisa

    I suffer with neck ache a lot. Have you had this? Or is it just shoulder pain you have .

    • Posted

      I do have it a bit in my neck as well it’s the mid shoulder blade pain that really annoys me when sitting at my desk
    • Posted

      I get that too when working on the PC for a long time. It may be to do with the way we droop our shoulders while on the keyboard. Try keep the shoulders straight (I know easier said than done).
  • Posted

    Yes, ben1994 is correct. I do stretches. But what has really helped has been Accent Nutrition Bone Broth, the Tumeric flavor. I used to roll out of bed so stiff, but after a week of bone broth I feel so much better. It's not a cure, but I don't feel so stiff in the mornings any more.

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