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hi you lovely ladies. i posted on here just over a week ago about aches and pains. my joint pains are really bad at the minute. does any of you suffer with it in your shoulders. my right shoulder at the moment is really bad feels like its coming at if joint. i do suffer with dislocated shoulders so know what it feels like. it goes under my arm and across front of cheast. x
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claire38123 karen96096
i had an operation on my left shoulder for wear and tear a few years ago and it wasnt until i started with all these menopause symptoms that its started to hurt again with pains running down my fore arm and pins & needles that along with pain in my ribs and breast bone i just think its all hormone related as along with the pain in my arm i have racing heart so instantly thought i was having a heart attack until i read a lot of the same symptoms on this site iam 46 tomorrow and feel 96 and along with menopause anxiety i think we all feel like we are falling apart iam going to try multi vits when i go shopping as your vitamin levels also drop with hormone drop and calcium is hit hard with the menopause.i also use deep heat or heat patches on mine and that helps a lot, hope your felling better soon xx
karen96096 claire38123
its a nightmare darl. im at drs later today and start pysio tomorrow. im 52 and feel 92 at the moment x
Pra_Adoni claire38123
Happy birthday Claire!
maria314 karen96096
gm karen
yes i suffered from joint pain and i also have the shoulder issue going on
karen96096 maria314
nightmare darl x
littleme1969 karen96096
Yes i had the joint pain started in my knees and has slowly gone round every joint in my body. Was incredibly painful at times. Even had it all the tiny joints in my toes and walking was just awful for a while. Almost 3 years in and i still get it from time to time but its no where near as bad and never last as long either, so hang in there it does improve. Im at the stage where my periods keep stopping and starting... so near the end. Ive also had issues with shoulders. Woke up one morning with a frozen shoulder and couldn't lift my arm at all. That took 6 months of exercise and slow stretching to get full range back. But i have to say the pain was horrendous at times. I always say if in doubt get things checked even if its just for piece of mind, but there is so much down to hormones at this stage you feel like you are dropping to bits.
karen96096 littleme1969
hi littleme i suffer with dislocated shoulders for years so i think this doesnt help. im at the drs today and start psyio tomorrow. ive also hot magnesium joint oil spray to try x
amanda07618 karen96096
Hi Karen
I had hysterectomy 3 years ago and i have never felt my oldself since . I have hrt patches to help with symptoms but i have aches and pains daily forgetful can't sleep . I was prescribed a drug after a heart attack atorvastatin that made my whole body ache so it could be a medication or just good old menopause . I put epsom salts in my bath and lavender oil helps a little .Hope it improves x
amanda07618 karen96096
Sorry Karen
I forgot to say i have had frozen shoulder a year next month had rotator cuff done and 2 manipulations it is extremely painful. I have just seeked 2nd opinion and been told i need furthur surgery. Something i didn't want to hear at all the anethatist doing the first surgery damaged my vocal chord so i have a husky voice now that can't be fixed. Really struggling to make a decision
karen96096 amanda07618
hi amanda just been to drs he thinks ive got a tear in my rotary cuff. going to pysio tomorrow see what they say and also starting steroid injections for pain relief. surgery is a last resort for me as im a carer for my disabled daughter xx
amanda07618 karen96096
Hi Karen
I wouldn't have the surgery so many people i know regret it i wish i never had it done . The pain and range if movement i have now a year later is way worse . Try physio and ice works well to
karen96096 amanda07618
thanks amanda i defo dont want to go down the route of operation so hoping psyio will work and im using deep heat at the moment xx
aly48544 karen96096
I used to suffer with all my joints but since I started hrt its stopped feels like a different healthier body!?
karen96096 aly48544
hi aly yes im on hrt patches but only lower dose and dr upped my dosage yesterday so im hoping it will help with joint pain xx
malina55946 aly48544
hello ally! you said you started taking hrt and the pain is gone. can you tell me if you are from uk and who prescribed you the hrt and what are you having as hrt? i have joint and muscle pain and my gp is unbelivable . thank you and Happy New Year!