pains and nausea
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Hi i have been on here over a year, i check in every week and comment on many posts. I am 47 I have all sorts of problems like you all, re early periods, late periods, anxiety, sleep problems, muscle pains in my neck and shoulders and the fatigue uggh. I have not experienced any flushes and have only had a couple of night sweats. I am still feeling very nauseous at times but mainly early evening which is accompanied by belching and sometimes acid. Sometimes the nausea occurs shortly after eating. I am experiencing weird pain in my toes and altered sensation only 2 toes effected on my left foot. Anyone else have strange toe sensation? Also i keep getting mouth ulcers , am i run down or could this be down to hormones?
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Pra_Adoni amanda59745
I used to have nausea immediately after eating a few months back, but I started drinking warm lemon water with food, and that has almost gone. Do try it. If you think it is too sour, then do add a few drops of raw honey to the warm water. It does wonders.
All the best...and do tell if it helps you too.
pinkcatfairy Pra_Adoni
amanda59745 Pra_Adoni
Pra_Adoni amanda59745
Hi amanda, the 2nd and 3rd toe feeling must be connected to some hormone thing! How strange is this coincidence otherwise? LOL!
Reg lemon, see how much lemon juice you can tolerate without spoiling your taste-buds. I usually add around 1-1½ tbsp to a large glass of water. In the beginning I added ½ tsp honey, but now that I am used to the taste, I don't.
Do post if you notice any difference afterwards.
All the best!
amanda59745 Pra_Adoni
nancy0925 amanda59745
katyD211 nancy0925
Yes! Both feet issues and eye twitches. But of course when I see the doc both are gone. The foot thing switches from right to left and so far never both at once...thank heaven. Sometimes tingling and sometimes it feels like I'm retaining water but it's not swollen. I also have heel pain when I get up but that has been diagnosed as plantar fasciitis. But even that goes n comes...I'm just so fed up with these shenanigans! So you are not alone!'re
not alone either!
pinkcatfairy nancy0925
Im two half years post meno but in the earlier stage I did have alot of eye Twitching! It went on for some time but does die down eventually. I get numb toes occasionally still and now painful heel which sounds like what the other lady has plantar facilitis
pinkcatfairy katyD211
What do you do about plantar facilitis? I think I have developed that now.!
nancy0925 katyD211
Thanks for replying to me. I will chalk it up to another peri menopause symptom and hopefully it will go away soon. Day 5 of a bad eye twitch and sore foot. What’s weird is it’s my left eye and right foot lol. So irritating! Happy Easter!
nancy0925 pinkcatfairy
Thank you for your reply! I won’t worry about it now as it seems to just be yet another quirky peri symptom!
amanda59745 katyD211
amanda59745 nancy0925
nancy0925 amanda59745
pinkcatfairy nancy0925
amanda59745 nancy0925