pains in menopause
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Hi I started the peri i think late last year into this year I am 54 and I have started to get very painful joints in both thumbs and in my wrists and my left knee my friend tells me she had this going through the menopause has anyone else gone through this and what do you take I believe it may be arthritis linked many thanks
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metamorphed sue58256
hi sue. i had similar to this, not wrists or knee, but big toe, lower ankle and shoulder. As I have moved further through this, these things have disappeared, replaced by other symptoms but the aches have gone. I did do an anti-inflammatory diet for a while, cutting out dairy and gluten etc., and this did help but I think it is just another part of this whole business, and goes away, but good nutrition definitely helps. Make sure you are getting enough vitamin D and omega 3's in your diet aswell. I did think it was arthritis but I saw a rheumatologist who ruled this out. It was diagnosed as menopausal tendonitis and is quite common. you really have to make the decision yourself whether you want to keep getting tested for things but I have spent a lot of money seeing different doctors over the past year and has been all menopause related. I get very slight twinges of pain now, but nothing major. hope this helps you.
metamorphed sue58256
sue58256 metamorphed
becky221 sue58256
Sare145 becky221
Becky can you tell me a little more about your hand pain,please?
I have aches and pains in my back ,hips ,elbows but my hands and sometimes my feet hurt so much.
They don't swell, painkillers don't really help and even doing small tasks hurts . Did your hands hurt all the time? How long did you have it for ? I'm getting so worried there's something else wrong . I'm 50 and definitely peri menopausal,so I'm hope that's all it is. I've had bloods and scans and it's not RA.
I've not heard anyone else mention hand pain so was relieved when I saw your comment! Thanks
becky221 Sare145
My hands would swell a lot. So much that sometimes I couldn't wear my ring. And they were very stiff. My knuckles would swell too. Eventuay, my thumb got to where it would pop and then over time, it was hard to bend it. The doctor gave me a steroid shot which made it so much worse that within the week, I had surgery on it. It's called a trigger finger. This was toward then end of peri for me. This all lasted for about a year and I was tested for a lot of things. No one ever said it could be hormonal. But when I was finally in menopause, it just go better on it's own. Hope that helps.
michelle_79406 Sare145
I have hand wrist back knee and ankle pain. 😫😫😫😫😫😫some days are worse than others. And some days I have no pain.
michelle46271 sue58256
Yes it is coming common in peri. I started with a bad toe joint and now it is stiff and hurts up my foot and into my ankle. Also I have it in my finger and it is swollen badly. Doctor has confirmed it is osteoarthritis. I can have a steroid injection for it. I suggest you have enough fish oils and omega 7. I just carry on the best I can. I know a few people who have osteoarthritis in perimenopause. It's no fun. Try not to worry though xx
sue58256 michelle46271
looloo43 sue58256
Hi Sue. my doc found me to have "insufficient" levels of vit d from bloods done in august. she put me on a vit d supplement of 40mg (or 1600iu) daily in september. just this last 2-3wks i have noticed my "general aches & pains" are virtually absent, & more significantly - the chronic pain i have had in my right outer hip/knee/calf that would wake me up every bloody night is now also absent. i have been under a specialist for this & was found to have swollen tendons at the point of where they join the bone on the right hip. we discussed things this week & i told him about the improvement & the fact i'd been on vit d supplementation for 2mths now - which he thought was very relevant as vit d is very important for muscle & bone health. I haven't changed anything else last few months so i think the vit d must be responsible for the major improvement in pain. xx
sue58256 looloo43
looloo43 sue58256
my doc prescribed them for a couple of months when she got my blood results showing insufficient levels of vit d; but now i have "got my levels up" for couple of months she said i would have to buy them(i would've preferred prescribed as i have 3mth pre-payment card for prescriptions so that would've covered cost if prescribed). she told me to go for a minimum of 1000iu(25ug or mg), but i am sticking with the dose she put me on as mentioned in my earlier post, as i do think they have been of benefit. xx