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ladies im at my wits in can you ladies please describe your palpations. ever since my cycle ended ive been getting palps sometimes heart races sometimes ill get this real fast come on me like a flip flop take my breathe feeling but doesn't take my breath it scares me to death. ive had a full heart work up two years ago echo stress test nu erous EKGs all was fine. ill get this flip floppin several times in a row its scaring me to death anyone else get these like this?

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7 Replies

  • Posted

    HI Pamela - i dont mean to be the bearer of bad news, but i think this may be the new normal for you - i am post menopause 7 years, prior to peri, i never even noticed my heart beating unless i was vigorously exercising - since entering the "menopause stage" i notice every flutter, pulsating, heart pain, arythmia, palpitation etc. it frankly drives me nuts - i am so done trying to figure out every ache & pain i have - i have rosacea & i am on B/P rx, so everytime my heart beats weird, i am sure my anxiety spikes my B/P which triggers my rosacea....its just loads of fun - i guess the moral here is you have to learn to ignore it - this menopause is not for sissy's -

  • Posted

    This has happened to me in the past.

    I am an anxious person and I think it is down to the anti depression tablets that seem to cause this but I also think that my hormones play a large part in how you feel.

    I am post menopausal now but I still get what you describe and your body is losing some hormones and gaining others.You know what I mean your hair falls out your head and starts growing out your chin lol what's that all about.

    Hope you feel better soon......Heather

  • Posted

    Pamela yes. I just finished watching a movie and mine started. I hate the feeling it scares me to death and then to top it off there goes my anxiety. My dr told me to breath in, hold my nose and put chin to chest in a bare down position and hold it for 5 seconds. This slows down the heart. I find that it works. Know that your not alone in your fears. Hugs

  • Posted

    i have heart palpitations too. they are random. Sometimes in the middle of the night, first thing in the morning, and if i am anxious. its horrible. i feel llike everyone in the room can hear my heart.

    HOW? after all the women in all the years suffering so much, have the doctors not found a way to help us?

  • Posted

    Yes and it is scary as hell...just like you describe. Sometimes it's the sudden thudding, racing. I panic which makes it worse. Sometimes i feel a flipping sensation in my throat. Either way is scary. I too have been checked out w heart tests . Doc finally told no more tests..your heart is fine. ..its your hormones dipping n hormones control most body functions. So...i try not to panic and repeat his words to myself to calm myself.

    And it always happens right around an actual flow or when i would normally be expecting one.

  • Posted

    thanks for replying ladies and i agree its not for sissys and hopeforever ill try that thanks, lord give us all peace and our lives back

  • Posted

    I have this too. freaking me out. Awake at 3 am worrying about it. Trying not too. Thanks for posting. Helps to know I am not alone. Doctors have told me the same thing. Heart fine....but I still worry every time it flutters strangely or skips a beat.

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