Palpitaions and Pounding heart

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Hi ladies is anyone experiencing these out of nowhere heart palpitions and ponding heart...they wake me in the middle of the night...very intense..they are not short lived either......very scary

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12 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Cathy,

    ?Yes this is all part of it.  I had a particularly bad spell of them that took me to a & e one time..... all fine, then read up about it and saw recommend to take Magenesuem supplements which does help.  Get them from time to time but not so much now. x

  • Posted

    Yes. I wake up with them just about every morning. This morning I was up at 4:30 googling about it and thyroid problems came up. I noticed my thyroid does feel a bit enlarged. I also read the symtpoms of thyroid problems and peri somewhat mimic each other. Now I'm just confused. Im tired of all this. Now I see why women go mad. And then doctors aren't much help either. They just want to shove anti depressants, anti anxiety and sleeping meds down your throat. Prayers for all of us.

    • Posted

      Thanks for your reply Valerie, most horrible feeling I'm up at around 4;00 am almost every morning as a result...terrible...God Bles and keep you...This too shall pass

    • Posted

      It is definitely horrible...frustrating...scary and depressing. It tends to set an anxious tone for the rest of the day. God Bless and take care!!
    • Posted

      I hear ya! I do have a little knot on side of neck! Had it examined they it was nothing. But if I continue to have the problem. I'm getting second opinion. I have also had heart racing at night, breathing problems too. It's so hard to know if it something to worry about or not. Never thought premenstrual could be so hard on your body!

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    Yes they come and go. Scary and bothersome.😕

  • Posted

    Yip me too.....can last for days....anyone else?.....feel like my body and mind are fried with adrenaline .....just want some peace of mind .....I cd scream
  • Posted

    I'm on a monitor for 30 days to try to catch these when they happen. For me I think it is a combo of menopause.,exercise, alcholol(esp. red wine) and a weird sort of adrenaline rush ....that triggers them. I'm doing magnesium and other supplements and working with a naturopath . It does cause anxiety for sure and I agree that it makes me depressed because they seemingly come out of nowhere. You are not alone!!

  • Posted

    hi cathy, yes palpitations all normal part of menopause, the menopause is a nightmare, and about time all GP;s received appropriate training to help us, at th e moment they dont.  So they send us off with anti depressants, HRT, one fits all,  etc etc, they dont know what to do,  all of these medicines work different for different people.  It wld help if, at the start when most of us visit our GP with heart palpitations etc they run a full blood testing and well woman service and explain what will be happening to our bodies through menopause, currently its all a peicemeal service, i for one have wasted months and money paying out for various different prescriptions etc, i have spent a fortune and still struggling, getting nowhere, ????? 
  • Posted

    Hi Cathy! Yes I had palpitations and rapid heart ?? beat

    very scary! This went on for about 4yrs and I'm now

    49 yrs old and they had just about stopped! That's the great news! So there is light at the end of the tunnel. The

    strange thing is that they just stopped one day!😁

  • Posted

    Cathy I forgot to mention...don't be a dummy like me and google anything about this because I made that mistake and got scared at the things I read.

    • Posted

      I did that...and it scared the he'll out of me Valeria.....yep....😮😮😮😮it's crazy...God bless....

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