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Hello there I have been having palpitations for about 2 months now and I have just had a 24 hour monitor put on this morning ' I have the palpitations all day one after the other non stop nearly every day they have stopped a couple of times for about 2 weeks but that's it would like to hear from anyone who has had them this bad and has turned out to be ok ' I find them terrifying and feel like I can't breath I'm panicking all the time and I'm worse now I have this monitor picking it all up and so scared of results . thanks

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22 Replies

  • Posted

    I am having a terrible time with palpitations right now. I have had them my whole life but they are especially bad right now. Mine are more like my heart is flip flopping and out of rhythm. It is especially bad when my periods are heavy. I have worn the monitor many times. I am sure this is just hormones and anemia for me but it is very scary. I hope you get answers to your questions. My heart tends to not act up as much when I am on the monitor.

    • Posted

      thank you for your reply that is a long time to suffer palpitations I feel sorry for you I've only had them 2 months and I can't stand them ' they just come out of nowhere I have never felt anything like it one now and again I can put up with but these just don't stop ' then I had monitor put on this morning and they started really bad and still haven't stopped continuous ' just don't know what's causing them ' so my reading will be erratic don't know what the doctor will make of it that's what's worrying ' I hope you get some relief .

    • Posted

      It is good that the doctor will be able to see exactly what is happening. Hopefully, it is something that can be treated easily with medication like a beta blocker. That is what I take. I know you are scared and worried. I am feeling that way too because of the almost constant palpitations I have had since yesterday. It has to be related to hormone fluctuations in some way. Otherwise so many of us would not be sharing these symptoms. I hope you get sorted out quickly. Let me know what you find out.

    • Posted

      thank you rebecca it's good to know I'm not on my own I think it's because I don't know what's causing mine yet that's making me panick more but then I think it's been 2 months would I not know by now if there was something wrong with my heart then the anxiety gets the better of me ' hope your calms down soon .

  • Posted

    Hello Ann. I had a serious heart racing episode this morning. Scared the living daylights out of me. I know what you mean scary because it has to do with your heart. I had to force myself to calm down then the anxiety and shortness of breath. Only God knows our suffering because i try to explain it to friends my age and they cannot. Am i the only one experiencing this madness around me. Thank God for this forum

    • Posted

      thanks sally for your reply yes I get short of breath and mine pulse in my neck and throat it's really horrible ' and so hard to keep calm when it's them making you panick in the first place ' yes there hard to explain to people unless they have has them them selfs ' I will put a post up when I get results but got to wait 10 days they said . as if I'm not stressed enough ! Lol.

  • Posted

    hi annilou my first symptoms two years ago was the heart palpitation ,and i was so scared i did all kind test the 24 hour monitor AND some many other test everythink came normal ,i still get it around my period and during evaluation but now i know it is due to hormone so im ok with it ia annoying but it is little better then when i started by the way i am 43 so this is my third year onto this journey ,best luck hun

    • Posted

      thank you may for your reply I went and has the monitor off this morning and I told the nurse the palpitations did not stop the whole time I had it on and I still had them when I had it removed so God knows what it will read when doctor looks at the results ' take care .

  • Posted

    I had the exact same thing when this meno journey began for me. I, too, wore the holter monitor for 24 hours and was soooo afraid to hear results.

    All was fine...whew!!!

    A few years later they started up again....this time ekg showed my heart was fine..

    2 years in a row.

    I pray for you to have similar results.

    • Posted

      thank you katy can I ask you did you have continuous palpitations they didn't stop just one after the other ' a lot of people say there palpitations eased when they had monitor and even the nurse said you might feel better with it on ' but I have felt worse ' i have had the palpitations since 11 yesterday morning without stopping all through the night everytime I woke up I could feel them and still now ' I have never had them this long ' this monitor has put my anxiety through the roof I think can't wait to get it off ' but this is why I am worried about results because they haven't stopped once since I've had the monitor on ..

    • Posted

      Yes mine were continuous on a couple of occasions. But after more extensive bloodwork and ekgs, my heart was found to be fine. I was diagnosed w generalized anxiety disorder, until I went to my gyne (a woman) who told me about the meno connection. That was happening to me off n on maybe 8 years ago. It still happens periodically but not for long periods like before. And I've noticed when it happens I will have pms like symptoms or a period. Im6 still perimenopausal...haven't yet gone 12 complete months without a bleed.

      Hopefully hearing that others have been where you are and are ok, will help to ease your fears. But we do understand your anxiety, though...hell, it's very scary!! I think you're fine. Keep us posted about your results. Hugs!!

  • Posted

    Hi hunny. Anxiety can cause more palps so I know its hard but try to relax maybe dobsomething you enjoy. Palps are so scary but thats why I love this group because we have all gone through similiar things. May I ask when your period is due. This could be a cause. And also have you had your thyroid and iron levels checked recently because this also causes palps. Please let us no how you make out

    • Posted

      Hello Renee thank you for reply I don't have periods they stopped when I was 40 I'm 60 now ' yes I had my blood checked and low in b12 so I will be having the injections for that in a couple of weeks ' yes I'm hoping it is anxiety but they started when I wasent stressed at all I was out having a nice meal that was 2 months ago and they literally haven't stopped from then except a couple of weeks in between and I thought they had gone ' the second time they started again I was relaxed on holiday so both times I wasent stressed but when i have them my anxiety goes through the roof and lasts all day and night ' I don't have them in the mornings then get to lunch time and they start and don't stop till I go to sleep that night ' they are driving me mad and now got the worry of results ' I will put a post up when I get them .

  • Posted

    Hmm I would think the b12 could have something to do with it. Im sure all is well even in post meno. from what I hear there are still symptoms. I hope you start feeling better soon. I know how awful and scary it all is.

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