Palpitations back again
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I am having those palpitations again they went away for a while but sine i have been working at Target i have been stressed out. I do the brand cleaning and only one person does it durring the day and one does it in the evenings.
Then i feel like my body is off and my medications are off because i work from 3 to 10 in the evening and its like my body is tired but my mind is still awake.
I need to work days but they don't see it that way. It threw my thyroid off balance and my A1C went up
and now i have been having the palpitations again
Please any advice i love my job but the hour have to change
sometimes i feel like quitting but i don't
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Sochima822 elizabeth2244
I recall going through a similar situation. Then one day at a store I was talking to a woman who said all her peri-menopause were calmed by taking St. John's Wort, of course, she took the last one, it flies off the shelves here. I found it at another store and sure enough my heart palpitations went away. So I recommend you try it. It worked really well and it works for anxiety as well.
elizabeth2244 Sochima822
I have been stressed out my thyroid has been low and i read that vitamin C can help with adreninal fatigue, stress and emotional because when you are stressed out it can lower the vitamin c in your body and your body can not make vitamin c
Right now my palpitations have stopped but when i go back to work tomorrow i need ways to not get so stressed out about these palpitations
Also i am in menopause too
If these palpitations come back i may go to the E.R to see what else i can do about them because its hard to work when your have a fast heart rate and my heart rate was racing this morning after i took my levothyroxine and i was feeling the palpitations
I just want to have a normal rythem with my heart rate
I have not been out of the house since these palpitations began
cynthia00141 elizabeth2244
Elizabeth, I was going crazy last fall with palpitations. I didn't have the anxiety, but the skipped heartbeats, the pounding, etc. went on ALL day long all the way to bedtime. They were really bad. It's caused from the loss of progesterone. I knew I couldn't take it any more. The one thing that worked for me was USP approved progesterone cream. I use 20 mgs. nightly. I'll email you the brand since they don't want that listed here.
elizabeth2244 cynthia00141
cynthia00141 elizabeth2244
Sochima822 elizabeth2244
Elizabeth where are you located if you don't mind my asking?
elizabeth2244 Sochima822
Sochima822 elizabeth2244
Okay, so then find something called St. John's Wort, I took it for heart palps and anxiety, it cured both. It flies off the shelves here. It took a couple of days to work but I found that it really calms everything down. I bought it at a health food store but they may sell it at whole foods. Hope this helps.
Sochima822 elizabeth2244
elizabeth2244 Sochima822
Sochima822 elizabeth2244
elizabeth2244 Sochima822
Sochima822 elizabeth2244
No, it's magnesium taurate
Cass63 elizabeth2244
Have you had your heart checked? I thought mine was palpitations also, turned out to be Afib. I am still trying to get it fixed. It's been going on for months. The heart rate is being controlled with meds, but nothing has helped with the rhythm.
elizabeth2244 Cass63
Today my heart rate went to a 103 then it went down to a 87
I have been taking vitamin d3 and vitamin c because i have read that when you are stressed out, emotionally, mentally that the adrenal gland loses vitamin C and that can cause palpitations i just started the Vitamin C yesterday also i have low thyroid and that can hurt the adrenal gland when i am stressed out physically, emotionally and mentally
What else can i take that will help with this