Palpitations in menopause
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Can anyone help!! My menopause symptoms seem to be getting worse but my palpitations are so bad I'm getting really scared!!,I get bad reflux too and this don't help. So then it starts off my anxiety. I'm getting so upset with all this I literally feel like an old lady I'm 47!!! Can anyone give me advice please. Regards Kim
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Holly589 Kim1971
yes i have been going through the same thing. I am only 39. It all started three months ago and continued to get worse by the day. to the point where i was scared to stand up or walk. When walking through stores I will have hundreds. i have been to the ER many times and seen every type of specialist doctor imaginable. I am still having periods but not normal ones. i am perimenopausal.All of this happened out of no where and i have so much anxiety now
Kim1971 Holly589
Isn't it awfull I ended up in a and e couple of weeks ago with reflux and anxiety it's really getting me down. I've got appointment at the doctors on Friday 😔 fed up with it x
CarolKelso Kim1971
Hi can be very frightening, i know as I've been there and still get a heart monitor on at one point to find out ud nothing wrong with me...our hormones are powerful as they regulate everything. so when they are out of wack they affect everything. i rushed myself to a&e as i felt i couldnt breath at one point which sent my anxiety through the roof...
This is a symptom for sure and many ladies suffer with it...when it happens tell yourself you will be fine. it will pass. This is what i do and it has not killed me yet...this will pass and its awful scary. speak to a gp if worried but know this is very common and you are not alone..keep checking in here for support. CK
Finny2018 Kim1971
Kim - I have had this symptom as well. I live in the states and this one symptom had me going to the emergency room on two occasions. It's scary as you don't want to minimize or underestimate that it could be something very serious. The electric shock feelings and palpitations were the very first peri symptoms I experienced this past April and then I started missing periods. I am 50 and had no idea I would begin with the list of 66 symptoms that are posted here on this forum. When you start to feel so many new and unsettling symptoms it can be so frightening at times as it was for me. Take care and know that you have found a great place of women to talk with who are going through very similar feelings and experiences.
Marinab Kim1971
Hi Kim,
I have been to a cardiologist (when I turned 50) for a baseline checkup. He said it is very common for women in perimenopause. He did an EKG and sonogram as a matter of course but it came back normal.
I think the anxiety and hormone fluctuations are a vicious cycle. It would be helpful to have a little gauge where we could look at our forehead to see where our levels were:) Getting older also makes us all a little nervous. If you can pinpoint the pattern, it might help give you peace of mind i.e. happens in the am or in the middle of the night during your period. I have been trying to do a breathing exercise where I inhale through my nose and hold it for 5-10 seconds then breathe out. It is supposed to help. I also carry valium with me although I rarely take it. Just knowing I can take it, if necessary calms me.
I hope all goes well at the doctor.
Kim1971 Marinab
Thank you. Seems worse at night but that might be because I'm not busy then. Hate it so much. I'm so tired as I can't sleep properly either. Hopefully the doctor will help with something:)