Posted , 8 users are following.
Hi ladies does anyone get palpitations during or after eating? i have been dizzy and tired for a while two weeks before period and the world is turning upside down
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Posted , 8 users are following.
Hi ladies does anyone get palpitations during or after eating? i have been dizzy and tired for a while two weeks before period and the world is turning upside down
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nanette44686 wendy36287
hi wendy
yes i get them pretty bad at the mo they arr the worst seem to wain off a bit then boom back with a vengence so yes i do hun your not alone xxx
wendy36287 nanette44686
thanks for sharing but what triggers your palpitations?
kim93615 nanette44686
does it feel like your heart skipping beat. because I get them they goes and come.
wendy36287 kim93615
yes it does
nanette44686 wendy36287
hi wendy not sure what triggers them sometimes after eating they seem worse but not sure if that is cos im sat down and maybe focusing on it more they ard bad at the mo and i finished my period anout 5days ago first one in six mths xxx
nanette44686 kim93615
hi kim yes exactly like that skips a beat then carries on so scary do you have this it really is getting me down xxxx
wendy36287 nanette44686
Hi Nanette
i was told its our acid that causes it . our stomach at this time causes our body to be delusional to us. i hope this can be over and done with
kim93615 nanette44686
yes I have that to right now its skipping
I have ringing in the ears my sleep mess up wake up all through the night acid reflex keep gas on me hair thin around the edges. I am going through a lot.
Gypsy014 wendy36287
Hi Wendy , yes my palpatations are definitely triggered by eating, I could drink a sip of water and trigger them too.. But yes food sets them off for sure!!!
kim93615 Gypsy014
hi ladies
I have palpitations to since I have started periomenpause. do sometime they just comes on from not eating anything. do periomenpause really take your body through a lot o am going crazy over going through this I have not since a period in three year. I though your suppose to stop going through these crazy once you hot 12 month with no period. ladies tell me something please
girl its just the tip of the ice berg. you hang in there
kim93615 wendy36287
wendy362 what you mean it's just a tip to the iceberg.
menopause makes u feel as though your body is not yours. it manipulates your being overall . the aches and pain and ghost symptoms make u go mad. u just need to keep focus and hope for it to b over with. we are here to comfort u are not alone.