palps then rapid heart beat
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Hi ladies just want to ask you all a question i am 53 as of today yeh! and i wonder is it normal to get hot flush then palps at night then rapid heart beat every few mins then in the morning calm down this has been going on now for few weeks never had it before hope this is a sign its all ending
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brendababy karen71465
Hope you have a lovely day and can just try and live along side the horrible peri symptoms for a while
The symptoms you describe are typical peri symptoms I get them regularly throughout the day and even during the night, scary when it happens
Everytime I've had a bad day I promise myself the next time a weird symptom comes up I won't panic but I always do lol
Hopefully things will balance out for us soon Karen
All the best to you and do something nice today...enjoy
Brenda x
karen71465 brendababy
jamie50513 karen71465
Zigangie karen71465
I had it more often and for longer post. It always started with an odd fluttering sensation first.
karen71465 Zigangie
BugglyBot karen71465
Sometimes I get this nervous jittery feeling that can be followed by some frightening flutterings too and my breathing seems affected somehow. I hope we can get some relief from this somehow.
Zigangie BugglyBot
As if it kind of makes you catch your breath each time.
BugglyBot Zigangie
Guest karen71465