Panic Attack during the night

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Morning ,won't say Good Morning , having tossed and turned during the night , nothing unusual there ! I then had a massive panic attack ,intense feeling of fear ,heart racing feeling of being unable to cope generally ! Have been going through a bout of depression which I get periodically ,take 10mg Seroxat for anxiety ,been on it for about 15 yrs and up until now generally well controlled panic attacks ,nothing like this ,the intense fear ( but of what ) is terrifying and the feeling of losing control , just wondering does anyone else have these sorts of panic attacks , and if so how do you overcome it , am 50 and perimenopausal ( I think) ,also a close friend died suddenly recently and I have been supporting his wife ,think this may have exacerbated the depression ,find it all so hard ! X

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28 Replies

  • Posted

    Morning....I really know what you mean, I have had the same, sat bolt upright heart racing, shaking and feeling I can't breathe. One time my partner rang an ambulance as he thought I was having a heart attack.

    they told me it was a severe anxiety would pass....well it didn't although I haven't had one for a few weeks. A doctor told me your hormone levels can drop drastically at night and then u get a surge but other stress in life can make it worse so obviously with what you are going through with ur friend could be adding to it. When it happens to me I have to get up as trying to get through it in bed doesn't help. Xx

    • Posted

      Hi ,Jane thank you for replying ,think it is the intense feeling of fear and not being in control that is so scary ,thankfully it only lasted 15mins then I went out like a light , prob due to exhaustion ! Just feel delicate at the moment ,went through all this years ago ,don't particularly relish the idea of going through it all again ! Am sure you are right ,every time I see my friend I come away feeling depressed ,daughter getting married in September , other daughter wants to leave her boyfriend in London and move back home , youngest daughter living here with boyfriend ,and my darling grand daughter for a year ( nearly up) to save money ,so all in all life pretty hectic , think need to take time out ! Thanks again for your reply x
    • Posted

      Bless you, I know I had the worse ones when I was going through some bad times with my daughter and then again a few months ago leading up to my wedding...I totally understand the sense of being out of's so scary I now try and tell myself I'm not dieing,It will's so hard though as when your in it there's no reasoning ...I know at times I'm actually scared to go to bed in case it happens which is like a vicious circle as the lack of sleep just makes it worse. I do use a rollerball homeopathic called Tisserand sweet dreams which I rub on pulse points..not sure if u are UK based but it's in's quite reassuring and I keep it next to my bed....not sure if it helps drastically or just a sub conscious thing but it's not expensive to


    • Posted

      Yes am UK based , always worth giving anything a try ,do find though that If something is going to work ,it works ,tried the Lady Care magnet for mood swings , didn't help ,just caused a rash and I found myself attached to the Tesco shopping trolley !! Also tried Menopace ,that didn't seem to do anything ,so don't think I am fooled by my subconscious , would be helpful if I was sometimes ! No I do realise now that I am not dieing whilst having an attack ,but like you , I remember vividly my first full blown one , driving home from Devon , unable to breath , tingling sensation in my arm ,numbness , truly thought I was having a heart attack ,husband had to stop the car whilst I shouted at him to call an ambulance , he didn't , and it eventually subsided ! Anyway am sure I will come out the other side again ,thank you for you reply xx
  • Posted

    Sarah this has happened to me many times, ive woken screaming, out of breath, crying, sweating, ive even kept going to the mirror to check i havent had a stroke as ive panicked that much, i feel ridiculous the next day but its something that i really cant help due to anxiety mixed with stress.My dad died just over 2 years ago from prostate cancer and i think its all part of that and my daughters epilepsy just creeping up on me. I had it 4 years ago and i know it will go and you will wonder why you got in such a mess but at the time it doesnt matter what anyone says you really cant stop it. its like a massive cloud over your head. If my blod pressure is even slightly raised i worry and fret and i know im making it worse but i cant make myself believe it will be ok. So you are not on your own.
    • Posted

      Hi Lea, thank you for replying , sorry to hear about your dad ! Life can be so hard at times , you sound like you are having night terrors ! I have struggled with anxiety most of my adult life ,after years of a lull ,it seems to be coming back with a vengeance ! Not had a panic attack like last nights for years ,have been depressed recently so think the 2 go hand in hand ,cut myself down to 10 mg Seroxat ,am going to up it to 20 mg for a while until I feel ready to drop back down to 10 again , hate relying on these wretched pills but have got to try and get on with life ! Best wishes to you and your daughter ! Sarah x
  • Posted

    Hi,I m suffering from panic attacks a few times a day,they can happen anytime for no reason,but they are particularly bad if I m hungry or if I am really busy,they terrify me, the doctor doesn't think I m peri Menapausel.but I think I am,I m having counsolling and on youtube there are guided meditations by the Honest Guys.they are fantastic !!! If the panic attacks are bad I ll sit and listen to them and I often fall asleep before the end,I also put my earphones on and listen to them while doing my housework, it helps as they remind you how to breath properly.i know I probably look like a nutter but right now if it helps I don't care 😊 xx
    • Posted

      Thanks for replying ! Yes I can totally sympathise with the panic attacks coming several times a day and for no reason ,been there done that many years ago ,when my children were small ,moved to a new area ,no family around to help ,no friends ,husband at work all day ! They are called floating panic attacks ! Just used to come out of nowhere ,could be reading a story to my children and wham ! Think my saving grace , if you can call it that was they happened inside my home aswell as outside otherwise I am sure I would have become agoraphobic ,do have problems going abroad though ,don't like to be too far away from my comfort zone ! I agree if you have found something that helps for you ,just do it ! I have given up on the GP ,did have a blood test last year came back inconclusive was told to go back 3 months later ,blood form wasn't where it should have been which would have meant making another appt ,so didn't bother ,really think they think " Oh here comes another neurotic woman " Am certain I must be peri as period pattern has changed and have had the occasional hot flush ,mood swings horrendous etc ! Take care and keep those earphones on if they help ! Who cares xx
    • Posted

      Hi Sarah,thanks it makes me feel a little less crazy knowing that they re called floating panic attacks,the doctors never explain anything and just want to give me anti depressants even though I m saying I m not depressed !!!! How did you cope with them outside, I m really struggling with that bit,and would love any advise you have got.xxxx
    • Posted

      Hi Fudgeybear , I really wish I had the answer to coping with panic attacks ,I should have by now ,have had so many of them over the years! I'm afraid I had to resort to taking anti depressants , Seroxat , which I have been on for about 12 yrs ,have lost count ! Only on low dose 10mg but have today put myself up to thr prescribed 20 mg as been feeling very low just recently ! Depression and panic attacks do sometimes go hand in hand , think my recent episode of depression has caused these new anxiety attacks ! The Seroxat certainly helped with my panic attacks , can honestly say probably went 10 yrs or so without one ( bliss) but recently noticed them starting to creep back , prob due to peri ! I think that you need to say to yourself ,it will pass , you are not dieing ,which I always knew ! But you have my absolute and total sympathy , really would not wish them on my worst enemy ! Sorry not much help , take care Sarah xx
    • Posted

      I m sorry,you re suffering again Sarah,I ve just started taking beta blockers,so I will see how they work,we will get out of this nightmare.take care x
  • Posted

    Hi Sarah

    Yes I have had severe panic attacks myself where I take 2mgs of ativan a day 1/2 as needed. 

    Yes they are scary because they just come out of the blue just like people who have seizures. 

    Just hang in there things will get better. 

    • Posted

      Thank you Susan ,did you have what I call mental panic attacks , complete unsubstantiated fear ,seem to have had a couple of those the couple of days , so scary ,think worse than the physical symptoms ! Went through all this years ago ,don't think I can face it all again , just keep telling myself it is a phase ! X
    • Posted

      I don't know what caused my anxieties. I grew up having a lot of anxieties.

      There are times I'm a nervous wreck 

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