Panic Attacks

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Hello Fellow Transitioners.... I am so glad for this forum. Just think back in the day they would have had us committed to an asylum and threw away the key as well.... Thank the Lord for not living back in those days. I hear some of you talk about panic attacks, what is that like? I feel things are happening but I am not sure what it is.. Also, does anyone have dizziness that comes out of nowhere? Again, guys, I have been dealing with Peri since age 38 and I am now 51 as of January. I have also started experiencing a missed menstrual as well.. Would love your feedback and advice...

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7 Replies

  • Posted

    After I stopped laughing about the asylum remark😂😂😂 I started to think. Panic attacks are different for everyone. I used to get this overwhelming sense of doom, then my chest would get tight, I was sure I was going to die, or having a heart attack. The sense of doom is the worse! That was my experience with them. ((((Hugs)))

    • Posted

      Thank you, juanita93228 for your reply. I'm glad you got a kick out the asylum remark but it is the truth, lol.  The sense of doom or overwhelmingness was hard for me to decipher. Due to the fact I am going through so many things right now. I do have heart palpitations which are new to me, but I understand it now. Thank you for the hugs... You are wonderful....

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      You're welcome! I feel God lead me to this forum. If not for it, I would have lost it by now. It's just comforting to know you're not alone and definitely not crazy! Lol!

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    My experience of panic attack is I get an over welming sense of fear from he pit of my stomach my heart starts pounding real hard like it's jumping out of my chest my eyes lose focus I get dizzy and it lasts for approximately 2 to 5 minutes it's the most terrifying feeling sometimes I feel the need to go to the toilet

    • Posted

      Wow Betty90997!!! how do you cope with that? Or just know that it will pass? I think knowledge of what's going on is half the battle of this stage of our lives.

  • Posted

    When I start to get a panic attack I feel like I can’t breathe. My heart beats really fast and my breath becomes very shallow and quick. I can’t get enough air in my lungs. It is frightening but I force myself to to try to slow my breathing down by trying to hold my breath a little and breathe out a little slower. Thank God, it works but the feeling of fear is awful. Fortunately, I tend to have them when I get into bed, so at least I am alone; and I tend to only have a couple of month.
  • Posted

    Hi OneLady!

    Your peri sounds like mine. As I know more now,I realize that I was beginning peri around the age of 45-46. I just turned 59 on Sunday. I am still not post meno. Runs in my family. First changes were very heavy, clotty flow for a few years. Then the skipped periods that gave me the pregnancy scare. Next came the gone for 6 months, Back for 4, skip 2, on for 2 weeks straight.....etc. Doc says all is well n be glad for estrogen protection for now. But she also said the surges and dips will invariably cause all the symptoms I feel...dizziness, like a sudden head rush...even when sitting; heart racing outta stomach issues!!!! My toenails have even changed! My hairline disappeared then reappeared on my top lip...dry eye syndrome, floaters n burst vessels. Its like i have a different symptom everyday. Sometimes it depresses me but I give thanks and pray for overall health because I know there are people who wish that their only health issue was menopausal symptoms.

    So I hope my story helps you to relax a little. You are not crazy nor are you alone, and you're more than likely not sick. You're changing. Sending a hug...

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