Panic disorder or perimenopausal?

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I was diagnosed with depression and severe panic disorder at the age of 27. This came after a 3 year struggle of not being able to concieve due to endromitiosis. I eventually got precnant but had a misrable precnancy and threaten to miscarry on 3 months. With a lot of prayers, hormone injections - as my placenta ruptered, bed rest etc, my baby girlwas born. At 3 months old she got meningitis and almost died. A few months after that I got precnant again but lost the baby. I was then informed that I will never be able to concieve again and my womb was 3 times bigger than its normal size, twisted and full of grows. I had a histerectomy on the young age of 27. Shortly hereafter the depression kicked in. i went for therepy use anti depressants and xanor for the panic disorder. After a year I slowly began to get of the anti depressants. I had a stressfull life style, having my own account bussiness and married to an Auditor with his owen bussiness. We slowly grew apart and the last 8 years of our marriage was a living hell. He filed for divorce - I was 36 now. We had been togheteher for 18years. Once again I fell into depression and panic disorder. As I knew all the signs it was easier to control and found a lovely man that supported me in this, we are still together. I was fine again. About a month ago i got very sick and ended up in bed for 2 weeks. All of a sudden the panic disorder came back again. The worts ever. I do not know what triggerred this? My heart will run away then have this pounding beat, so severe that I will feel like fainting. I have nigh sweats, chills, shiverring, muscle pain, etc. If my heart beats irregular this will have an effect on the panic and even makes it worse as i feel like dying. Once again I am on xanor to control the anxiety. I went to my gp whom suggested a view blood tests. I am still waiting for the results. I find it intressting that some of you mentioned peri-menopausel. I was already informed that I am in this stage last year with a routine visist. I cannot use HRT as according to my gyne I am to young yet and due to the fact that we have breast cancer on both families side. I feel so powerless. This is by far the worst panic that I have experienced. And these heart pulpitations is so nerve recking. Just knowing that some of you are experiencing similar symptoms makes this situation more bareable. Please just excuse my spelling errors. English is not my firts language.


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15 Replies

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    I'm so sorry for what youre going through. My Drs have told me that hormones play a big part with anxiety and panic attacks.

    I started having them in my teens around the time I entered into puberty and they were with me until around 28-29.

    I was fine until about 38. I believe my hormones were going crazy during both of those periods.

    Then I hit 45 and Peri menopause hit. Had a total hysterectomy November 2015 and it threw me into a violent menopause. Anxiety hit an all time high. I suffer every day. I know there's a light at the end of the tunnel....its just an awfully long tunnel.

    Hang in there and know that there are wonderful people on this site that will help you through it.

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      Thank you so much Lotti. Just wish when woman go through the big M, that GP's or Gyne's can inform you about all the symptoms that one can experience. It seems like not all woman go through the panic disorder part and I am so glad that there are people on this site that have them too. I really though that I was going crazy as with my previous panic disorder there were triggor factors. I was going out of my mind searching what could have triggerred the disorder again. Never in my mind though it was caused by the big M. I feel so much better already and thank you - I presume the tunnel is awfully long but there is already light knowing that people, like yourself is out there to help one through this.

  • Posted

    Chronic anxiety is a big part of menopause. I know its about got me on my knees at the moment. It just came out of nowhere when my periods stopped for 4 months at the end of last year. It wasent just panic it was also total loss of self confidence. which makes the panic all the more difficult to control as you no longer feel you can cope with anything. Again loff of self confidence is one of the common symptoms. It makes every day life so much harder than it needs to be and when things go even slightly wrong it spirals you into this craziness and not being able to get a grip of yourself. So trust me when i say i feel your pain with this rolleyes
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      littleme1969 you hit the nail on the head! That's it! I have lost my self confidence! I'm wishy washy, I don't trust my my myself to make the right decisions. I used to be fearless, now I have to take a half a Valium just to go to the movies by myself! I used to have no problem making decisions and sticking with them. I packed up and moved to city where I only knew one person. I was brave! Most off all I'm sad to say, I feel like God isn't listening to me anymore. I know that's NOT true. I just feel so weak and pathetic most days and that's not me!!!

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      when you think about it does make sense... we are going out the same way we came in.  Why do teenagers suddenly start talking risking and thinking they know it all?  answer.. they get hormones. without our hormones we revert back to scared little kids with no self confidence sad  why does no one ever tell us this stuff so we can be prepared .
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      I do think there's somewhere in the Bible where it talks about as we get much older we revert to being childlike.I may be wrong, I  have read the Bible but I don't know all the passages.

      I hope we're not "going out" anytime soon, but I agree with what you're saying. We do lose our fearlessness and self confidence, because hormones are what gives us that wild, carefree feeling. Not a worry in the world! And you are so right. I'm scared all the time. Several other ladies on this forum have mentioned feeling that way also. Actualy more than than that because most ladies have mentioned anxiety and anxiety is just fear times 1000.  sad

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      Yes, and I do not know if some of you has gone through this as well, but it is like you crave attention? I got a compliment from a c-worker the other day, young handsome man, and i felt so good. But that scared the living hell out of me, because I was thinking to myself, damm why am i feeling so good about this compliment. It like when u are a teenager and fell in love that head pounding rush feeling. And then I felt guilty cause my bf is such a supportive been. I am really having such a hard time making sense of it all, and being a very analitic person doesn't help.

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      Hi Juanita. Yes I feel your pain, it is like one slowly dies inside. And I know what you are saying about God not listing, I do feel like that as well, its because He is our Saviour and when we feel so alone, we always seem to find comfort in prayer. Just keep good faith - He is listing. We just feel so alone in this crazy path.
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      Yes, I do wonder myself. It would have been easier if we knew what was coming.
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      Perfectly normal. Because when you get to this point in your life you feel like you're invisible to men. You want to know that you've still "got it". I work around a LOT of men and even though I'm very much in love with my boyfriend when one of these young guys pays me a compliment I'm over the moon. Just this morning one of then held the the door for me and said "you should always hold the door for a beautiful woman". Even though I feel old and crappy today, that lifted my mood. Even though I'm old enough to be some of their mothers when they treat me like a woman I like it!

    • Posted

      Thanks lela.  smile I know he's listening. And sometimes I feel guilty because I know there are people out there going through MUCH worse. All you have to do is watch the news.

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      You make me smile, I enjoy your replies. Thank you so much, I do feel better now. 
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      I'm glad I could make you smile! It does my heart good, because we are trying to get through this in one piece! Lol! I try to laugh even when I  don't feel like it because it releases endorphins that make us feel better. smile

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      For sure! I have started with a natural product - BE STRESS FREE. I must say that the anxiety is getting better. I am on it for 7days now and what I do like is that I can still use XANOR with it and it does not interfere with one another. I started taking evening walks as well, which also helps. We will all get through this. Thank you again for all the support. Nice to have a positive spirit!
    • Posted

      I really enjoy your replies! Your original post made me feel better, even though I hate that you are going through this. Your post hit closer to home for me than any other.

      I take 400mg of magnesium(along with a good multivitamin) and believe it or not I season my food with tumeric. Both of these are good for anxiety and the turmeric is an anti-inflammatory so it helps(I mean it really help with various aches and pains especially my knees). I do feel better, but I have to say I still have my anti anxiety meds on hand just in case......

      Be well Lela. Stay positive, God is with us in all of this, and we have each other and all the other ladies going through this.  smile

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