Panicked scared breast cancer

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Now not only are my breasts sore but one nipple is irritated feeling !  Went to breast dr found nothing and had sonogram  of armpit nothing found !  Scared it’s cancer 

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    They found nothing, so try to be less scared. If it's any help, my doctor said it's very common for one of them to be a 'problem child' so don't stress too much since you have been checked over.

  • Posted

    My left nipple had been red and swollen for months. After 10 months with no period, the breast tenderness is gone. So is the soreness. Think it's just a nasty symptom of peri. Try not to worry so much. Sounds normal. ?

  • Posted

    Ok calm down ! You just had a scan and there’s nothing there . So breathe and relax . All kinds of weird things happen during Peri and meno . Ive had many and ignored most of them except the fatigue and dizziness so.... you’re ok you’ve done the right thing by getting checked .

  • Posted

    I sometimes get joggers nipple on my left side. That’s what the dr calls it. . It gets irritated and sore for awhile.  It calls for a really stable bra and wearing a bra at night too and being very gentle with it. 

    Isn’t breast discomfort pretty common with women?? 

  • Posted

    Having pure anxiety attack !  Feel swolllen and now nipple burns.  Both breasts are tender daily !  Had ultrasound on axillary nodes ! Saw breast specialist.  Wednesday is mammogram and full sonogram for yearly !  I  am higher risk for breast cancer due to lcis cells but according to dr not much higher risk like an additional 10 percent !  I. Cant stop crying 

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