Panicking, advice please
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Ok Im 47 years old. Starting experiences what I thought were perimenopausal symptoms since early 40s (my Mum was 40 when she had her last period). Havent had a period now for 15 months. Had a bleed in January, which was like a period but no other period like symptoms. GP sent me for blood test and referred to gyne. Blood test fine. Went to gyne yesterday. Did ultrasound and tvu and said lining of womb was thick so needed further investigation. Tried to do the camera thing but it was so painful they had to stop. Now waiting for a date to have it done under general. Which Im not too impressed about as Ive never had one before! Also whilst doing ultrasound found a 'sack' in womb so stopped to do pregnancy test which was negative. I actually feel shocked, I was hoping they were going to say 'go home dont be ridiculous' but Ive got some sort of sack in my womb, thick lining which could be cancer and got to have a procedure. Im trying not to, but Im so panicked Im actually shaking.
Has anyone else had anything like this 'sack'. Really need some advice and if possible reassurance.
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Sochima822 jb41529
jb41529 Sochima822
Yes I've got 2 children 20 and 16 both normal births. No other pregnancies.
Sochima822 jb41529
Okay, so sometimes sacs happen when you've had a baby a dry blood accumulated on one side or it could be a sac filled of liquid cysts. I can't imagine anyone having a sac of dry blood without symptoms especially after 16 years. The best thing to do is not to worry. Get the test and have it taken out asap. I had a sac that ruptured, it was a liquid filled cyst. It was painful to say the least but are known to be common. Hope this helps and puts you a little at ease.
jb41529 Sochima822
Thank you so much. I don't have any pain and dr didn't seem concerned about it. Was just a shock to say the least! I'm trying not to worry but it's easier said than done. Thank you for your reply it has helped ease my mind.