Past 2 months have been good now feeling off again
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Hello ladies
Well I finally thought after having 2 pretty good months I'd finally found ways of coping! Medication, acupuncture, meditation and magnesium and vit b have all been really helping but yesterday and this morning I'm feeling off balance a little flat and the nervous anxiety is creeping in 😩I'm due my period towards the end of next week so I expect that's why I'm feeling like this but my mind goes into overdrive and I start thinking I'm heading back to bad times of anxiety and depression! I hate these feelings especially when I've been doing much better! I'm 41 and way too young to keep feeling like this especially as doctors insist I'm not peri.
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maisie05 Foxy_polly
When we are feeling good and off guard, feelings can creep up and catch us unawares. Focus on your positives and do something lovely every day. Hopefully you'll soon be back on track. Take care x
Foxy_polly maisie05
Thanks Maisie
I'm trying to stay positive and have been out enjoying the lovely sunshine today even though I feel tearful today and not much appetite. Your right thought it does catch us unawares. Xxx
zoe62821 Foxy_polly
Hi foxy polly
What medication are you taking and how long for? 😀
Foxy_polly zoe62821
Hi Zoe
I'm taking escitalopram 5mg and have been on them for 12 years since the birth of my second child I've tried serval times to come off them and the doctors about 18 months ago switched me to sertraline then venaflaxine then citalopram but done of them worked as well so went back on escitalopram. I was good on them for years until 18 months ago then the anxiety came back but it always seems to be around ovulation and periods and my periods now mostly go every 23 days instead of 28. Xx
Amalie13 Foxy_polly
Been on Paxil in various doses for 17 years. Probably the average of all the doses is between 5 and 10. Perimenopause ruined the delicate balance. Anxiety, OCD, and depression back, in full force. Gyn switched me to Sertraline....and after a month, I feel worse. Went to my general doctor, who is switching me back to Paxil. Praying that it works. Thank god I am not alone. Feel like I am losing it. Apparently, Peri makes existing "issues" worse.
kelly7171 Foxy_polly
Terrifies me too that my depressive illness & anxiety are coming back full force when i feel like this !! Then lo & behold my emotions change again. Those horrible nervous tummy feelings you get for no reason. Its bloody awful !! Gona start my yoga & swimming again because it helps massively & give these Cohosh time to help hopefully .. I really understood this comment you made Polly but try to remind yourself its hormones. I definitely feel this phase of my emotions is unlike anything i've experienced bfore so i know its hormonal & telling myself that when I feel i'm losing my mind helps so much. So much love & hope for you Polly xxx
Foxy_polly kelly7171
Thanks Kelly
It really helps being on here too! Hormones are a pain and it affects some people more than others! I try to remind myself of this all time but some days it's hard. Much love to you too and hopefully one day this storm will blow over. Xx
Azzumi Foxy_polly
I think I'm over the worst now due to BHRT but still have the occasional day when I don't feel fantastic. I think we need to be fare on ourselves sometimes and maybe just go with it when these days happen. I do worry that maybe its the start of something bad but I've also learnt to take one day at a time. Try not to think too far ahead.