Patches of tingling / pins and needles
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hello lovely ladies, im hoping someone can relate to these symptoms im getting where i get random tingling, pins and needles across different parts of my body that last for about a minute and then go - atm its the back of my knees, but ive had it in my face, lips, bum -im 43 and been experiencing peri for 4 years, but this is new -anyone else ? x
2 likes, 17 replies
lana26181 karen60759
All the time! Plus, developed pretty severe carpal tunnel syndrome in both hands, which is painful numbing , pins, and needles. Had neurological exams and MRI - all good, so only God knows. I am just putting up with ti.
Belinda1971 lana26181
Same here. Out of the blue carpal tunnel in both hands. Woke up in middle of the night with dead hands and excruciating pain. Had conductivity tests and moderate to severe carpal tunnel.
Lkl2019 Belinda1971
I just saw where Kim Kardashian was diagnosed with carpal tunnel and psoriatic arthritis, she's around 40 I think. pretty sure she's unaware of this horrible time of life and all that comes with it as well. we think 40 is the new 30 and its not!
Sassyr12a karen60759
Hi Karen
Yes, and it's been a common thread too. Lots of ladies seem to have the same tingling, pins and needles or a feeling like vibration. I just wait for it to pass.... So many bizarre symptoms with this xx
asummer410 karen60759
This is the story of my life! I've been dealing with scalp and forehead tingling for several days now. I've had patches on almost every area of my body. It seems to come and go with no pattern. My only comfort comes in reading these posts and knowing I am not alone in experiencing these weird symptoms.
karen60759 asummer410
thanks ladies for replying - its a really weird one isn't it? i've had the vibrating but that seems to have eased off thankfully, and now this - its currently in my shoulder - just makes my almost constant anxiety worse thinking about what the hell is going on in my body ! So comforting to know im not alone - lets just keep on keeping on ladies ! hugs to you all xxxx
HopefulTrina karen60759
Yes Karen.. I just started feeling the pins and needles this past week. It scared me at first, and then I thought about previous posts on this forum. Good luck 😊
shylee karen60759
hi Karen,
yes i got tingling pins and needles type feeling on and off for a while before i got the full burning skin. especially around my chin and jaw.
i have left sided burning on my face and left arm and my whole scalp and jaw but carbamazepine helps mostly keep this under control unless i forget a dose or during more extreme hormonal fluctuations.
you're not alone. it seems it's a quite common symptom of peri despite drs not having a clue.
hang in there
Rainbow976 karen60759
Yes, I get this often. Parts of my scalp, upper neck, upper arm, hip, etc. Last week after a massage my entire right leg felt numb for over a day.
I have noticed that my arms fall asleep all the time now too overnight, I wake up and have to shake them back to life.
I wonder if it's a circulation issue brought on with perimenopause. I am 43 also, about 4 years into this lovely journey.
Lkl2019 Rainbow976
I woke up with the dead arm in the beginning...horrific. it did not want to come back to life!
NothinforNothin karen60759
Yep, hands and feet and carpal tunnel in right arm. Normal symptoms. Hoping they pass for all ❤️
Lkl2019 NothinforNothin
I love that you said normal. I am really struggling to get to a place where I can tell myself that all of this is actually normal even tho it goes against any kind of logic I have. Half the battle is knowing that its hormones and the other half is understanding that it may in fact be normal even though it seems to be the most abnormal experience of my life!
Rainbow976 Lkl2019
It's so frustrating, how can all this be considered normal but doctors never heard of anything besides hot flashes?
I have tried 4 different doctors in the last 3 years, they all look at me like I am losing my mind. You're too young, huh that's weird but not related to hormones, you're depressed, that's anxiety, you had x symptom last week but that seems to have gone away? (note to staff-hypochondriac) , you're labs are completely normal, etc.
If any doctor would discuss that some women have a really difficult time with a multitude of symptoms, I wouldn't feel like I am dying of some mysterious disease every other day. The lack of information and knowledgeable medical professionals make all this feel abnormal.
Sorry for the rant!
aliska Rainbow976
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DR KAREN MORTON- she is amazing 😉
Lkl2019 Rainbow976
I totally feel your pain. the days I don't have to come to these boards and rant or cry are considered good days. hate they are very rare.