Pelvic pain
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hello ladies!! just wondering if any of you get pelvic pain that goes down through your legs and into your thighs I've had it before but it never lasted this long I had pelvic pain a week before my period during my period and now 4 days after my period and it hasn't gone away I'm kind of getting scared can it be just another symptom of this NeverEnding roller-coaster any info i really would appreciate it thankyou and god bless...
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JReady64 marisol06794
Well I'm postmen of pause and don't get periods anymore but every once in a while I'll guess a little pain in that area or shooting pains. I've read on other replies here that it's apparently normal.
RACHAEL2411 marisol06794
Hi there, sorry for your pain... I get severe crippling pain in my hips, right in the bones, joints, ligaments. It's rearing to the core. Iv been up all night again with it, usually worst when in bed, but also when walking and resting. Was screaming into my pillow last night out of frustration and just had enough of this never ending cycle of horrendous symptoms. 😢
Hope you feel better soon and this eases for every lovely lady that is suffering and going through this terrible time. Big hugs x
mrs_susan74280 RACHAEL2411
Are you on any medication at all x
cheryl06049 RACHAEL2411
you described to a t the exact same pain I have. It's unbearable. Is there anything you have tried that gives you relief? I have tried Aleve, heating pad, epsom salt bath. I am exhausted from no sleep and at my wits end.
loubylou64 marisol06794
lived with pelvic pain for many years now. Standing still in one place is the worst. I've found that exercise rotating pelvis and dropping hips, helps to keep the pain at bay Zumba was great for this!
marisol06794 loubylou64
hi loubylou!!!
thank you so much for your reply this has been. the worst 4 years of my life I've had so many symptoms i have no life i had to quit my job because I'm always feeling sick no energy at all i don't want to even leave the house I just turned 47 and feel like I'm 80 this is so horrible i would here about meno but never of a meno hell i relate to the pain when standing i have to raise my legs sometimes to ease the pain i nothing i take relieves me no you take anything for the pain if yes can you tell me what to see if it works for me thank you blessings!!!
loubylou64 marisol06794
acupuncture didn't work, try not to stand still for too long, gentle stretching exercises and anti-imflamatories, also tens machine.