Pelvic scan ?
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Just come back from having my annual Mammo and was relieved to hear that everything is OK (in fact breasts are less dense since I've been in peri) and I mentioned to the doctor that I'd just had a period which was the first since January (this bummed me out a little as I was hoping I was well on the way to the menopause); she told me I should have a pelvic scan once a year at my age (52) as they can't be sure if it's really a period or ovarian cancer...Thanks doc I was just about to skip out of here. So I'm going to ask my GP to prescribe one for me, but I know it felt like a period cramps etc (and bizarrely my digestive problems eased up) also I think having the odd period here and there in peri isn't so unusual, right?
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jayneejay kerry91
its very good, i have just enquired about a well woman clinic appt here in spain, its normal here to have an ultra sound and smear, breast exam and bloods to check all is good ... its a good thing, all will be fine, Jay xx
jayneejay kerry91
i dont agree with what the doctor said to you thats a very scare mongering remark..
i havent had a period since 2 Sept last year... only had two last year myslef, but you maybe wont have another with abit of luck, just because we have sparse periods and then none during peri doesnt suggest ovarian cancer if anything it can be the opposite in some cases, constant bleeding, dont worry about the small minded tactless remark, however, it is good to check everything is fine in there as our bodies decline in hormones... Jay xx
kerry91 jayneejay
Thanks for the support, i find my nerves are not what they were since all this started and I agree with you it wasn't a very tactful remark. I forgot to say that I also had terrible urinary urgency just before this period which disappeared after. I know that too can be a symptom of the menopause but also a symptom of ovarian cancer, but I think you're right these symptoms would be persistent; I'm going to have it checked out anyway.
jayneejay kerry91
i just made my appointment its on monday, well woman here includes a breast exam, smear, a look at the cervix and an ultra sound and bloods..
i too got urinary sensitivity, especially before a period .. dont worry Kerry ..
all will be good, i think sometimes Docs forget we are vulnerable and hang on every word they say, half the time they dont listen to how they say things and have it may be perceived..
i always have back ache as have an extra fused disk and vertebrae plus a tilted uterus so you can imagine i could think all sorts but i dont..
ignore the silly thing she said ... enjoy your afternoon ...
Jay xx
kerry91 jayneejay
linda72460 kerry91
Tazchurch kerry91
Sorry not to have replied sooner but I have been taking time to check with various support groups, (including Ovacome a highly respected Ovarian Cancer Group), and medical sites from around the world, nowhere can I find any link between these things, so please rest assured that this seems just them and the sort of scare-mongering remark I would expect from a non medical person.
kerry91 Tazchurch
Tazchurch kerry91
Sleep well xxx