Pelvic ultrasound and 14 mm endometrial thickness still me starting regular
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hi all,
so ireally need some reassuring word right now, had pelvic ultrasound on Monday, radiologist said I had 2 fibroids and slightly thickened endometrium for where I was in my cycle 18 days it was 14 mm, she just asked if I had heavy periods and when I ask about the thickness ,she replied you can either put up with heavy periods or see you dr to sort them out, didn't seem worried, anyway I did end up paying privately because I couldn't wait for up to six weeks, anyway she faxed results over to Drs with no notes for referral, but when my dr phone me back, she said I have adyomosis, a fibroid and the thickened endometrium and she has fast tracked me to a gynocologist, so I asked if she thought I had cancer and she said no of course not, but I don't understand why she has fast tracked me, I do have severe health anxiety, my mum suffered with severe bleeding in he40s spotting, flooding, 5 week periods, massive clots etc and went through menopause by 50, and has had no problems since, difference is she never went to the Drs with the bleeding, however I am in such a state, ironically the bleeding has almost stopped but I've started getting night sweats again, over symptoms I have had which are perimenopause are brain fog, disturbed sleep, clumsiness, bruising easily, lack of pms symptoms, a week before my period I used to get very sore swollen boobs, moodiness, spots, mouth ulcers, bloating, I don't get any of that any more haven't done for about 6 months, wondering if I lack progestosterone, and that what caused the thickening, also get heavy clotty periods, just one last thing a women I work with she had a pelvic scan and had thickening we are the same age 44 and the dr told her it was just her age and everything is slowing down didn't refer her to a gynocologist ,
anyway sorry to to go on,
many thanks
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CarolKelso sherry26257
Hi sherry
I had an awful time 10 years ago with bleeding. I'd many fibroids that cause my hemorrhage on a plane... Luckily I was a short flight..two weeks later, id a hysterectomy... Now I'd lots of them so needed to be done and may not be the case or you... It seems like you have started the change... I'm sure they would have told you if it was something more sinister....fibroids are common.. Try not to worry... Keep checking in here and hope all goes OK.. CK
sarah39816 sherry26257
Hi, Sherry,
I'm sorry you are going through this. You are definitely not alone. I'm 47 and have been in peri for about 5 years. I have hot flushes, bloating, very irregular, heavy/clotty prolonged crampy periods, sleeplessness, fatigue, muscle aches and spasms, bruising, heart palpitations, anxiety, panic, sore breasts, and the list goes on and on. I felt like I was going crazy. I saw my doctor a few months ago and had several tests and she advised I was definitely perimenopausal and all of these issues were due to an imbalance of hormones. I also have some small fibroids which is very common among women our age. My doctor prescribed adrenal supplements, bioidential hormone replacement therapy, magnesium, and oral iron. I also did a course of IV iron infusions. I have yet to start BHRT as I was afraid I might feel worse. The supplements seem to be helping.
I just wanted to write and let you know you are not alone and that all of these symptoms are very common during perimenopause. I am sure your doctor referred you to a gynecologist so that they might be able to further advise you with the options to help manage the bleeds and ease your symptoms. Please try not to worry although I know this is easier said than done. We will eventually get through this. Take care of yourself and let me know how you're getting on.
Big hugs and healthy wishes, Sarah.
mary27278 sherry26257
sarah39816 mary27278
Hi, Mary,
For me, bloating comes and goes. I also have acid reflux disease, so sometimes that plays into the bloating. I try to eat small meals, drink plenty of water and I'm also following (per my doctor) a gluten free/dairy free diet. I have been on this diet for about 5 months and it has definitely helped with the bloating as well as the joint pain I've been having. Also, light exercise such as walking and yoga has helped.
Please keep me posted on how you're doing with the BHRT, as there are times when my other symptoms are so terrible, that I think I should should start the therapy, but my anxiety about feeling worse wins out and I decide not to take it.
I hope you feel better soon! Big hugs--Sarah