Per/Meno Symptoms

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Hi Ladies,

I have a question. For those who still have a cycle wether they are irregular and for those that remember when they had a cycle, did you find that your symptoms were worse right before and after a cycle?

I know our bodies are all different, but I'm asking because I'm seeing a pattern with my symptoms. Like i have been off my cycle since last Tuesday, and I was feeling fine until I woke up at 1:30 am with my heart racing and my anxiety immediately kicked in. I havent had this but maybe twice before my cycle started. Just wanted you ladies take on it.

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10 Replies

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    hi jamie

    yes definitely!  I have very light symptoms then before cycle (about 5 days) start to get palps etc and then for a week during. then they stop.  this pattern is the same whether I get a bleed or not.   If you look up the hormone app (another lady on here recommended it)  and it is meant for women who have not reached peri  but it gives you a day by day of what is happening in your body.  (although we are peri, i found it is very helpful, although with peri our symptoms are obviously much more intense).

    • Posted

      I'm going to check out that app. I'm noticing the same pattern. When the cycle finally comes on I feel a little bit better, then a few days after I go rite back into the symptoms. I started writing it down.
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      the app is a great help.  you will see where oestrogen drops during a normal cycle (for want of a better word, a pre-peri cycle)  and then you will know around those dates, that is when your symptoms will be worse.  Same with progesterone.  It also gives tips for the bad days during a cycle.  Obviously in pre-peri the fluctuations are less noticeable, or not bothersome at all for most.  I check it on my phone everyday now and it really helps to handle it all.  good luck!
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      Thank you so much. I really need that app. Going to check it out rite now.
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    My symptoms are usually worse before my irractic period. My symptoms are never the same anymore either which makes it really frustrating.
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      You are rite about it being frustrating. It really is. I have all sorts of symtpoms and weird sensations. I noticed it's all around the time of my cycles which have now become irregular.
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    When i did have periods i had a panic attack out of the blue while driving and had a period the next day, also i had palpitations more when menstrating
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      I have the heart palps and anxiety attacks leading up to the cycle. I feel fine once it comes on and when it goes off for a few days. Then the symptoms are rite back.
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    ​Definitely for me. I used to feel lousy before my periods. Like being really tired and on edge. Sometimes crampy but then I would get my period and I would instantly feel better. Now my bleeding has caused my iron to get low so I get really tired and I feel lousy during and right after my periods. I'm 53 so now I still get my period but they are irratic and sometimes I will skip a month. I hate the heavy flow days, they drain the life out of me. I'm ready to be done!

    • Posted

      This is all just so much at times. My years of heavy bleeds had led to me bein anemic also. I am on iron and a small dose of folic acid supplements. I can say that since taking them I feel a little better. The weeks leading up to and rite after my cycle are the absolute worst for me.

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