Perhaps this is a silly question

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But does anyone on here feel out of control of their life? Are you having a hard time making decisions? Afraid of making the wrong decision? I other words, have you lost your fearlessness and you don't trust yourself anymore?

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18 Replies

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    I used to be fearless and didn't worry about nothing now that is all I do....

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    Thank you ladies! I know I can count on you.😊

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    Oh my heavens...this is SO me!  Sometimes I feel like I've lost my mind!  It takes me forever to make a decision on anything...even something as "simple" as deciding which gift bag I want to buy to put a birthday gift in!  Seriously...I just did that...and it took me 10 minutes to make a decision!   Not to mention the " big" decisions, like what to order at a restaurant!  Lol.   I am lucky my husband is so patient and understanding.  😃😃

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    I absolutely lost control last year.  I decided that I would not make any big decisions at all, until I am done menopause.  Totally went through a year of not trusting myself.  I am doing better now that I have caught on to the fact that I have two weeks of being totally off my rocker and two weeks of at least being able to think and get things done every month.  

    I guess i have kind of accepted that this is who i am i don't get frustrated anymore, just kind of go with it as much as i can.  

    Hubby has caught on as well and he has become very helpful during the times i am nothing more than a wet noodle.  smile

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    Hi Juanita!  Yess.  Worry and then worry some more.  I think I read once being indecisive was a symptom of depression.    Which totally fits with peri and menopause.

    Now imagine feeling this way and building a house!!  Welcome to my world.  And now I am so paranoid that all of the subcontractors don't like me bc it takes me forever to make a decision and then I change my mind.  😂😂


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      Ohhhhh!  I would never be building a house now!  LOL!  I did it just before peri started and that was hard enough.  I don't think I'd still be married.  My big symptoms hit in the middle of a kitchen remodel last year...and I seriously came very very close to being divorced at that.  I'm feeling ya, girl!

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      😂😂😂 I just sold my house. Thank God I'm getting better. I wrote down what I wanted to change in the new house and I'm sticking to it(so far😁wink.

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    lovely post and answers....

    its awful at place of work......

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      Oh my work. I would get sick to my stomach. Working during peri and menopause is difficult.
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    Yes..when I was going through peri I couldn't even chose a simple paint colour for our living room and I usually love doing stuff like that. I'd sit and look at the walls for months and months and do nothing. I couldn't answer simple questions either and I'd stare blankly at people when they talked to me. Like I didn't trust myself enough to respond intelligently. I could go on and was all very strange.

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      I know right? I put my house up for sale when it didn't sell, l felt like it was my fault. But then I realized my gut was telling me it wasnt the right time. I started listening to my gut(God) again. I put the house up again(the right time) it sold in 30 days! Prayer and meditation😊

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    yes for sure , I feel I cant cope with little things like I used too as well ,, I feel like there is too much in my hear xx
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      I had that too. The littlest thing would send me into a tailspin, like the world was ending or something. Again prayer and meditation. I also started to think about my life and how really blessed l am. While it's not perfect, I realized there are people much worse off than me. For instance, this forum has truly been a blessing to me.🙏???

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