Peri and extreme anxiety and joyless
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Hi all...
I've been experiencing really bad anxiety/panic attacks recently.
I've never ever had it this bad before. It's mainly social anxiety, i.e...inability to go into most shops - especially big ones!
Anything can trigger it. Which is a nuisance. Anyone else have this problem?. I've been like this for 6 weeks now. Hate it.
I don't feel too bad outdoors in open spaces, like parks and near water.
My question is: does anyone else suffer with this where it affects their daily living? If so, could you share your symptoms and issues.
Also, does anyone take any medication for it and how it helps them and makes them feel..
Thank you so much!
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Sassyr12a dora_39625
Hi dora
I've suffered with this for years, so not a recent think unfortunately. Like you, I'm great being active outdoors but a social occasion or even shopping is difficult. The symptoms for me are anxiety in the lead up, I feel like I won't fit in, feel like I want to cancel, feel frightened, scared ill be anxious when I'm there, scared of being ill in public, heart beats faster, feel dizzy. Funny, I have all of these today because I'm off out this evening. I've tried anti depressants, anti anxiety meds but they are not for me. I feel worse at the beginning and can never get over the hump. Instead, I'm on bhrt, I run, cycle, walk, meditate, use a homeopath and over the counter tablets like kalms and Bach flower remedies, and acupressure . Incase of emergency I have a small prescription of 2mg diazepan which works well but I'm trying to avoid using them. On Thursday I have an apt with a hypno /psychotherapist for the first time to try and unpick some of the bad behaviours as my brain now reacts with fear automatically when it's not required..... Hopefully I can just remain hypnotised for the foreseeable future!
interestingly, when I get to my destination I'm okay, I can even enjoy myself it's the build up that's the worst. I hope that helps dora xx
debbie12340 Sassyr12a
Interesting to read you use Kalms and Bach’s recuse remedy . . . Do you think they work ? I also have a prescription for 2mg Diazepam which I take for things like Dental app or even to get my hair done, otherwise I just can’t relax and feel like I need to leave
I hate feeling like this as I’m sure everyone does. My doctor seems very reluctant to renew my prescription, which in itself gives me anxiety because I don’t know what I’m supposed to do without it ? I just wish I could wake up one morning and feel ‘normal’ xx
Gypsy014 debbie12340
Hi Debbie, I'm the same I don't even need to leave my house and get to excited over doing my own hair , so REDICULOUS!!! I bleach blonde my hair no bleach just dye but its light, and I can't even leave on the entire time anymore.. In fact I didn't touch the dye for over a year.. And since this year I force myself to put it on and go do something quickly while its on, like dishes or wash the floor something that takes like 20 min then I go wash it out quickly... Stupid u know but that's how it is... And I use to go get pedicures done, every now and then not to to often but once in a blue moon, and definitely 100% can not do that , its been 2 years since I tried and had a panic attack and ran out of there quickly, and the dentist NO WAY NO HOW NOT HAPPENING... Just all too strange. Its all part of the anxiety that goes along with menopause, that I'm told to push yourself through each experience and it will get better.. Still waiting for that.. And I use to be so carefree and independent, and nothing bothered me, now I'm sensitive to just about everything.. But I do feel after 2 plus years of this nonsense it is slowly but surely getting somewhat easier or I'm just learning to live with it.. But between all that bullish@# and the physical symptoms dizzy migraines numbness joint pain, its so overwhelming... Hope and pray you find some relief soon too, here's to better days ?????
Sassyr12a debbie12340
Hi Debbie
It's so reassuring to know that I'm not alone either, it's so difficult to manage sometimes, I wish I was normal too.... It seems that this is our normal. The rescue remedy from Bach I find good in the moment. You can get the liquid, pastelles and the spray I think they give some comfort when needed. I'm only now consistently taking kalms in the day, and yes I think they work. Not maybe as immediate a relief as a diazepan but I hope to keep going and build it up to make a positive change. I take the night time ones too, and they've been great. For the past 10 days I've slept so well! My gp is the same with diazepan, we disagree when it comes to those versus a modern medication taken every day. They work the best for me, that's all I know. I've had plenty of talking therapies and I'm left with this residual anxiety so I think it's whatever works best! Xxx
debbie12340 Sassyr12a
Hi again,
Thank you for replying. I think I’m going to give them a try then, I think I’d take anything now if I thought they would work 🙏🏻 Yes, hopefully taking them daily they will build up in your system. I understand doctors seem reluctant to prescribe Diazepam, but I only have 3 prescriptions a year so that’s only 30 tablets in total. I wish they’d realise they anxiety of not getting any more just adds to the problem. My GP tried to persuade me to have Beta Blockers, but I said no thank you, I’ve heard hair loss can be a side affect 🤔. Like you the Dizapaem work well for me, it’s not like I’m taking them daily. Please feel free to PM if you’d like to chat anytime xx
debbie12340 Gypsy014
Hi Gypsy,
It’s not ridiculous, it’s their stupid Meno nightmare. If you’d told me 5 years ago I couldn’t go to an apppintment I would have thought you were mad. The anxiety take hold and doesn’t let go. I had a panic attack whilst stopped at some traffic lights 🚦 so now I feel like I can’t drive far either. Have toy tried Diazepam ? They’re very good at calming you. What will you do if you have to go to the Dentist ? Trust me I find it terrifying myself, and wouldn’t make it without my medication.
I’m the same used to carefeee and able to cope with anything. I was left on my own when both my children were still babies and did everything myself with no problems at all. Now even simple things seem like mountains I can’t climb . . . Here’s praying this nightmare has an end 🙏🏻????????
Sassyr12a debbie12340
Hi Debbie
Would love to pm you, think we have loads in common..... You have to tell me how I do that though!! I'm 43, but like a Dingbat with technology
debbie12340 Sassyr12a
Hi Sassy,
Don’t worry I didn’t know either till I asked 😂 do you see the little envelope icon between our names at the top of a message ? You press that and it take you to anaother page xx
Sassyr12a debbie12340
dora_39625 Sassyr12a
dora_39625 Gypsy014
Thank you! It's definitely the anxiety over taking! Like you, I'm normally very outgoing, social and independent. This is by far the worse I have ever felt.. .it's debilitating.
Do you have any support?
lori93950 dora_39625
Xanax is better as it gives you more of a happy feeling and I just take 1/2 pill as needed .
dora_39625 Sassyr12a
I've been prescribed Sertraline but scared to try them... that's the anxiety for you!!! 😂
Like you, I'm not too bad once I'm out. I actually feel better in the open outdoors. Parks and near water. I find them relaxing. Away from all the chaos.
I like meditation and seriously need to get back out running and hiking. Exercise is great at relieving symptoms and have always been active.
Have tried a Bach remedy but didn't work for me.. I've tried chamomile tea,but when you're feeling so tense, nothing helps.
Let me know how you get on with the hypnotism. Interested to find out if it helps, as have read about it being used to treat anxiety x
Sassyr12a dora_39625
Hi Dora
It just settles the nerves really. Doesnt make you sleepy or tired. It just seems to take the edge off the tension. I drive with it. To be honest I take it mostly in the evening when I'm not out and about xx
juanita93228 dora_39625
Everyone is different but I drive, go to work, run errands while taking diazepam. It just takes the edge off for me. It also stays in your system longer(up to 72 hours for some)so you don't have to take it as often. While I like Xanax better, it only stays in your system 6 hours and it made me sleepy sometimes, whereas diazepam doesn't make me sleepy.