Peri and High BP
Posted , 9 users are following.
any ladies have high bp even when medicated?
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Posted , 9 users are following.
any ladies have high bp even when medicated?
0 likes, 11 replies
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jennifer12699 kylie01267
I tend to have low blood pressure but havent checked it since starting the pill this past week.
ang28869 kylie01267
yes my blood pressure goes all over the place. i also take meds for it, sometimes its 140/85, other times when i take it its 95/74. taking it makes me nervous thou so that is probably why it goes up. also when i go to the drs it goes up. crazy....then when i get nervous i get palpitation, it just never seems to end.
kylie01267 ang28869
I would have thought being medicated it would be stable. Like you my BP goes through the roof at the doctors
Kadija1966 ang28869
Since perimenopause my BP has been high and low. From 170/98 to 98/70, I have to monitor my BP two times a day. Most days its low 112/72 and I don't take meds on those days. As advised by my doctor as it drops too low. But some days I get headache and when I check its gone up. And it brings anxiety as its scary from one low reading to a high reading few hours later. I've seen many doctors regarding this and still no answers. I can't take my BP meds every day as if its low it makes me dizzy with the meds.
Its so depressing as high BP is dangerous and I never know when it will spike.
kylie01267 Kadija1966
My goodness that is high BP, mine does the same though, like you these spikes make me so anxious
Kadija1966 kylie01267
Yes it does bring on anxiety. Yesterday I had chest and arm pain. Doctors did an ECG. It was borderline. However she says it's nothing to worry about, she thinks it's the anxiety.
kylie01267 Kadija1966
Your doctor thinks anxiety may have caused the borderline result?
Kadija1966 kylie01267
I sent you a private message. Check.
I had an ecg with an abnormal result. I had T inversions. Not sure what that even means
pamela2016 kylie01267
yep i do on meds mine seems to go up on cycle week and ovulation week sick of all this crap
Kadija1966 pamela2016
Me too. I've had enough, im so miserable.