8 Replies

  • Posted

    Yes it was a very interesting article , but has anyone read the comments ? There are a lot of very unsympathetic men and women out , who just because they haven’t suffered from it that the rest of us are just a bunch of whinging old women 😡 . Hopefully this isn’t the majority , but it seems to me that a lot of men feel once a women is over 45 she isn’t worth bothering with . Like they’re gods gift 🤣

    • Posted

      People who write comments on the mail online tend to like being controversial so I wouldn’t take too much notice, but it does show that there needs to be more awareness of menopausal symptoms beyond hot flashes and that more women should speak out to show that is isn’t the minority’s of ‘whingers’ who suffer, many of us do so in silence unfortunately 
  • Posted

    Thank you this was an excellent article I am one of those that never experienced depression and now am struggling.  I don't even think my gyno has any idea...may print out a copy of the study to give to her and my primary doctor.  Great info.

  • Posted

    Karen - thank you so much for sharing this article Approaching Menopause and Depressed? This was so validating!

    I can't change the reality that I was blindsided by all of these symptoms with Peri - it is what it is. I still feel, though, had I been educated maybe it wouldn't have been so scary? The onset? Back in the day I think they called it  a nervous breakdown - when really it was the hormones crashing and physical and emotional symptoms for the 20% that get hit hard. I'm so thankful I have access to this forum as well as the ability to do a lot of research on my own. Oh my - how they did it back in the day I don't. know. Thanks again for sharing, Karen.

  • Posted

    I have probably strange thoughts about it all being brought out in the open...that some of you may just not get.

    BELIEVE me I have suffered so many symptoms for 6 years I had horible anxiety and suffered bad depression at times, I'm still suffering with brain fog and feel just completely dumb at times. And it's sooooo hard that nobody, not even doctors get it or believe it.

    My issue with it being well known is: it is already very hard for woman after 40 to get a new job, if employers well well aware that woman in the peri/meno age suffer from anxiety, depression, mood swings, brain fog, joint pains (the list goes on) why on earth would they ever want to hire us? It would be known that we could be less productive and more likely to use sick time.

    Plus being a single woman....if men knew too much...what man in their right mind would consider dating us, a lot of them already want younger woman, plus not to mention the lower libido...we wouldn't have a chance. Myself, I've already gave up on dating as I don't think it's fair to a man, but still some woman could benifit from a nice relationship during this time.

    I think this is why doctors and others don't know about it and think it's in our heads....because woman have learned to grin and bare it, because we don't want to be considered a "problem"

    I'm not saying I'm right in my thoughts, just saying us woman already had hard enough time proving ourselves....

  • Posted

    Just read the article and yes it's so true how even many women don't understand about peri and depression. Our ovaries don't shut down in a smooth decline it happens in fits and starts and that's where the problem lies. It isn't necessarily our estrogen levels it's a combination of that plus our other hormone levels plus our symptoms so it's super tricky to say just go on hrt and everything will be ok.

    I've suffered terrible depression through peri and started bhrt 20 months ago due to necessity but I've also had it adjusted numerous times and I'm still a work in progress.

    Without bhrt and a couple of other supps I wouldn't be functioning right now but I'm also aware that it will probably be a few more years until I'm through this. Maybe longer.

    We need more awareness and more research into peri/menopause as for those of us who suffer it can be the hardest battle of our lives.

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