Peri Menopausal
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Hi there I have read some posts, I have just turned 47 today believe it or not, for years my periods would be like clockwork, for the past 6 months they have been coming every 7-8 weeks, but no spotting in between, my mood is so so low, and I am very agitated, snappy, and could cry all the time. I am due to go to Oz on 29th of this month, so don't want to do the whole doctor thing before I go as it would possibly impact on my insurance, are these symptoms anyone else at my age has had x
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sophie76397 sharon33755
Definitely Sharon - these are perfectly normal symptoms and of course would not impact on your insurance - it is a natural but sometimes very challenging process. I've had symptoms now for about 5yrs and I'm 48 - periods now patchy having been like clockwork. Mood swings, agitation all normal I'm afraid. There will be other posts after me suggesting various vits to take - I take magnesium and not much else. Go to Oz, you are healthy but starting to feel the effects of peri menopause. I won't lie - it can be hell but you'll have good days too. Enjoy that holiday in the sunshine - it'll do you the world of good and go to the doctor just to put your mind at rest although sometimes they can be quite unhelpful - you might have a good doctor unlike me! Have fun and keep smiling X. Keep reading these posts - it helps no end and everything will start to make sense xx
sharon33755 sophie76397
sophie76397 sharon33755
Good! Enjoy it. With regard to the headache thing, if you've never suffered before peri/meno, yr more prone to get headaches whereas if you've always suffered, they disappear which is what has happened to me weirdly although I do get the odd one but not nearly as debilitating. The best thing I can advise is to change your diet - you need to be super healthy and try to cut out sugar, processed foods and caffeine - it really does help and treat yourself once in a while. Cranial osteopathy has been great particularly for headaches (highly recommend) and other aches and pains and get the odd massage - you have to concentrate on you. Yoga/Pilates and even meditation bla bla bla if you have time for it! these are just a few pointers that have helped me - they may not work for everyone but it's always worth trying and harmless X
sharon33755 sophie76397
sophie76397 sharon33755
Find a cranial osteopath - it's hell having headaches but it will go eventually