Peri Menopausal
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I AM 52 years old .I have been having anxiety for 2 months .Came all of a sudden .The first 2 weeks were really bad but now I am handling it better .Though i have some bad moments My mouth is so dry all the time and now for the past 2 weeks I have absolutely no appetite . Been forcing myself to eat. Can't taste much either .Anyone having these symptoms please respond i feel like I am losing it..
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Jaynie12 suvi87869
im 51. i had this hit me bad 4 months ago. like u my first 21/2 mths were hell. feeling like i cant breathe anxiety sobad i was in bed. alot ofother things too. i have dry mouyh i do force myself to eat duri g the day cuz night ifeel so bad icant eat. that hasnt changed. i beento er, drs, mental health. going to a new dr next told there are over 101 symptons of this menapause crap. it has put me on hold..i quit all the things i liked and now on anxiety meds..its like dyi ng..i dont think ur going crazy. just get some bloodwork and i guess welcome to the "change". tome its hell. good luck. hang in there.
suvi87869 Jaynie12
HI . Thank you for your response . Feel better knowing I am not alone .
Hope you feel better soon.
Jaynie12 suvi87869
this forum has helped me. even if i dont respond ill read the posts. i know we are all struggling with different symptoms. we all feel scared and alone and going crazy..but the stupid hormones are the cause..i always say go get a complete checkup first. then when all comes back ur battling menapause then its on to fight ..i think witheach new symptom we go into panic mode and that increases our anxiety. that makes it worse ..its just one more thing us as women endure...good luckk. hang in there.
kimberly96221 suvi87869
You are not alone! Anxiety too hit me out of know where 6 months ago. It has literally turned my world upside down. I haven't had an appetite since this started! I've just started buspar and wellbutrin and got the biotech pellets. One of these has to work !!!! I've also developed health anxiety because all these symptoms make me think I have some horrible disease. Ive had every heart test there is (bad palpitations) colonoscopy and endoscopy along with 2 rounds of bloodwork in 6 months time.
I'm trying to eat little all day long because my stomach is a mess!! The hunger pains are awful and effects my whole abdomen. Best of luck to you and this is a great place to ease our minds🙂
pinkcatfairy suvi87869
Dear suvi
I am 55, four years post meno, i lost my appetite at the beginning and lost weight, got gastitis through having too much reflux and having a hiatas hernia! didnt help. Thankfully that did pass and ended up gaining the weight again. I am now experiencing a dry mouth, it seems to be more on ones ide of my mouth and my glands feel like they are coming up, i havent had the dry mouth before now.
claire38123 suvi87869
morning suvi anxiety hit me like a ton of bricks and kicked me in the gutter in jan this year i had a total breakdown in front of my gp and he put me on the sick i just thought id over worked over xmas only having xmas day off as i work for asda( walmart) if you live in america then he ran bloods which all came back normal apart from being in peri i had a hysterectomy at 39 but kept my ovaries iam now 46 i had very lumpy boobs at the time so he sent me for a mamo also as mum has had breast cancer so that made my anxiety worse iv had a dizzy head for months aches and pains but the biggest scare is when i wake in the middle of the night sweating,shacking and pounding palpitations my hubby has rang the paramedics twice and both time my heart is fine but my bp is stupidly high and its all down to the lack of bloody hormones that give you anxiety and makes you feel like your dying and dry mouth is all part and parcel of anxiety iam dealing with thing a little better but never thought menopause could be this evil to us all so big hugs and hope we all feel better sooner than later xxx
shylee suvi87869
Hi Suvi,
I just turned 50 a few days ago and have lived a lifetime with anxiety panic disorder, so when i got hit with heightened anxiety i did not at first piece things together but then it go worse and before long it was uncontrollable. I found myself panicking, unable to sleep, anxious about things i don't normally think of. I was suddenly scared of dying. Anyone who knows me knows i don't worry about death. I felt like i was going crazy. Then i was hit with horrific symptoms and discovered i was in peri. since going on the HRT patches and the anticonvulsant medication to stop the left sided skin burning and burning mouth, the over the top anxiety stopped and i no longer think about death.... I find it strange that peri not only made me anxious that it was somehow able to change my thought patterns. have you or anyone found that too?
crystals51917 suvi87869
Yes, I'm 52 and I have had these symptoms come and go. Had to force myself to eat as well and dry mouth along with constant brain fog and fuzziness. It's horrible. This all started at this level Nov of 2018. I went 3 months after that with no symptoms then it came back again. So weird. I slacked on my vitamins, Fish Oil, Vitamin D, Magnesium and B12 once I started feeling better but I wont do that again. I'm taking them every day. Going to keep praying and staying positive! Hope you feel better soon.
pamela03890 suvi87869
Yes I am 49 years old, started having crazy cycles about 2 years ago , that is when everything went crazy. Been on and off anxiety meds last 2 years. On and off dry mouth ,nausea and acid reflex. Then about a month ago it really got bad ,lost 10lbs. in 3 weeks because they wanted to do an endoscopy. All I think about is this is the end and can't find a happy place to be in . I have lost my coping skills and panic sets in. So started having panic attacks about this,went to emergency room cause I was sure something terrible was wrong with me. Ct scan and blood work showed nothing. All perfect. Did not make me feel any better. Still think something is wrong. Had endoscopy last week. Doc didn't find anything but took several biopsies to check for allergies ,bacteria, etc. Now playing the waiting game to find out. Still cant eat because of the worrying of still what they might find. On top of this just started cycle again. I don't think I am going to ever feel somewhat normal again. Hopefully we all will at some point.
pinkcatfairy suvi87869
Dear Suvi
I am four years post meno, when i went into peri the first thing i noticed was period changes, heavy then constant spotting. Then I suddenly lost my appetite, nauseous and lost weight. This was an extremely worrying time for me, i was too scared to even look in the mirror and it made me worse when people kept saying i had lost weight too!
I had an endoscopy which showed gastitis, I have a hiatas hernia and all the acid reflux caused gastitis. It took quite a long time to clear with medication and diet change and i even ended up putting on weight.
. Menopause caused me to have panic attacks and anxiety and i had to ease off the caffeine! It didnt help because i have suffered panic disorder (am abit agoraphobic) throughout my life.
I am 55 now and four years post menopause but still get the odd symptom now, the bad panic attacks and anxiety have gone (the agorpphobia will always remain). I am experiencing dry mouth symptoms now, its as if the symptoms still rear up but not so intensely and are few and far between.
I say hang in there and it will get better, it probably feels like a never ending long road, but you will get to the end!