Peri menopause
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Looking for others suffering this peri menopause .
My symptoms change everyday detached
Dizzy , shaky legs , palpitations, racing pulse . Fatigue then anxiety can’t settle sit still , join in everyday life (who am I ) . I was a fun loving out going person with such a busy life . Now I choose to stay home all time as it’s safer and I have no confidence , scared I’m going to panic and freak out !!
3 likes, 20 replies
caroline62395 Clare1971
Clare1971 caroline62395
Thanks for your reply, I have started on B12 and vit D . Keep looking up all different pages to see what helps with my meno. I also have underactive thyroid and coeliac . I feel some days I have Marsh mallows on the soles of my feet (walking in space feeling ) . 💕
Guest Clare1971
Hi Clare, you'll find that the majority of women on this forum suffer from the same exact symptoms as you. It's not a fun club to belong to, but we are all we got. And thank goodness there are others who understand. Somehow it makes the symptoms less scary knowing that other women have them too. I'm starting to come out the other side, still have symptoms, but not as severe as they were a year and a half ago. There's hope! Hang in there. XOXO
Clare1971 Guest
maria76995 Guest
Oh I'm glad you are coming out the other side I cry when I read this I'm here still beating up myself over the way I'm feeling I guess I'm impatient too,I have not slept for 2 days can't keep still everyday I wake up I'm not back yet if I get work up I get hot and worst I my head is feel funny oh it goes on
Edell7329 Clare1971
I understand! I have had so many crazy physical symptoms and the emotional ones are horrible! I spent my lunch break crying because I a so tired of feeling like this! I'm sorry I am not being helpful!
Clare1971 Edell7329
monique06353 Clare1971
Clare1971 monique06353
I am the same at the doctors every week with a new symptom , been put on beta blockers last week and they have helped the racing heart and panic attacks . It’s a very scary place in life to be in especially when life has had to change so drastically.
Keep fighting 💕
maria76995 Clare1971
Clare1971 maria76995
Well I do hope so, I feel myself talking to myself and saying calm down your fine it’s just hormones and everyone round you all looking normal
Str8tfans Clare1971
I have no health insurance so I don’t have the opportunity to run to the doctor and get tested for all these things.
When I started going through all these symptoms I was sure I had a heart attack coming on or a brain tumor.
Well, it’s been a year now....and so far I’m still here!
Without this forum I have no doubt my life would have gotten horrible in the last year.
This place is a literally emotional life saver❤️
I have tried many things other than pharmaceutical meds, and the thing that I find that helps me the most is just eating SUPER super healthy, taking supplements/vitimans and I know exercise helps but I hate it so I haven’t gotten into a routine on that yet.
All of that being said, and as I’ve read here many times, nothing completely “takes this away”, some things just may lessen some symptoms a bit.
For heart racing anxiety what helped me the most was putting in my ear buds, laying down, and listening to meditation music, concentrating on my breathing and I’d usually fall asleep.
I listen to a song by an artist called Marconi Union, the song is called Weightless. YouTube has like a 10 hour version of it and it was AMAZING for me.
I have taken a Xanax about 4 or 5 times in the last year, but that’s it, only because I’ve got so much anxiety that I’m afraid to take them regularly lol.
Tho they definitely work wonders when I have taken them.
My digestion has taken a total flop in the last year- and I notice that it effects literally everything in my body.
Headaches, dizziness, cramping of course, just an overall all feeling of “illness”.
I’m very bad about it, but when I do have the willpower and have like a spinach omelet, water water water, salad or any kind of greens and fruits for lunch, more water, and a super healthy dinner, and more and more water....I DO feel much better all the way around.
But it’s hard and I like food.
Sugar intensifies my symptoms bigtime.
We all swear by b vitimans, magnesium and vitimans d around here.
Tho again, I’m so bad about being hardcore that I forget to stay on top of that too.
Sorry this reply is so long....just wanted to give you my thoughts if they’d be of any help.
Hang in there!
Clare1971 Str8tfans
Thanks for the reply
I feel the same as you I can feel slightly better if I eat healthier take my vitamins and drink water . I also take thyroxine and have just been prescribed beta blockers which I think have helped the racing from my heart .
I try every morning to feel more positive but my symptoms seem so severe some days I struggle with it all .
Keep fighting 💕
katyD211 Clare1971
Ditto to all the advice and love and support from these wonderful women...
I too have either felt before or am suffering with now everything you're feeling. The fear of each thing and every new thing is absolutely maddening, isnt it? We will get through this...thank God for this forum! Hugs!
maria76995 Clare1971
Hi Clare,I understand I can't sit still either I'm better bed my head is everywhere dry mouth driving me crazy..I can't join in everyday life myself I'm anxious and frustrated I don't feel me so uncomfortable with myself more lately don't eat well I'm I try blotting it all out but don't work don't know what to do with myself