Peri-menopause - how to find medical help?
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Hi all,
I'm hoping someone will be able to advise me.
I have seen my doctor and have asked to be referred to someone who knows
about the menopause. I'm 52 and for over a year have been experiencing
dizziness, nausea, depression, fatigue, disturbed sleep, lack of concentration
at work, sore sex, low libido and occasional heart palpitations. However because my periods
are still regular and I don't get hot flushes or night sweats, my doctor
won't refer me to a menopause specialist but instead wants me to
increase my anti-depressant (I've a history of depression) and has prescribed
Stemetil for the dizziness. I'm worried about how this is affecting my job, as
I find it hard to concentrate when I'm there but if I take time off, I worry about that.
I live in Scotland and wondered if anyone could let me know how to go
about finding someone who could help me. I'm willing to pay for help as
this is affecting all areas of my life.
I read on a thread about Maca so have just started taking that but I'd like
to speak to someone who would take more of an overall approach.
Hoping for help,
Caz x
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Arghhh, I can't even type out a message correctly!!😭
Carolineq8 cazan11
Is it possible to see a different doctor, I'm not an expert in this field yet but you know your own body and for your doc to increase your antidepressants just seems a lazy way out, is there a practice nurse or someone else you can speak to, good luck 😊
Sochima822 cazan11
Cazan, Maca is for hot flashes. I would recommend chia seeds instead to help with your hormones. I've heard success stories here, I take them also and feel hormonal relief except that I forget to take it everyday. But then my symptoms aren't severe. I've also heard other ladies claim that a certain flower helps them, unfortunately I can't remember the name but maybe someone will mention it here. Best of luck.
deb50 cazan11
Hi Cazan
i don't know if you've one near you but I was exactly the same as you with the history of depression and my Gp wanted to up my tablets but I knew it was depression depression if you know what I mean.
i went to sexual health clinic who ran a menapause clinic/ well women clinic there as well. The first time I saw someone I broke down (as my Male Gp said my hormone levels where fine and I wasn't in the menopause just depressed ) as the nurse understood me completely. I'm on HRT now and in myself I'm better.
hope that's helpful
Guest cazan11
Hello Cazan,
I saw your post and because it was similiar to myself... I'm sharing what I have found to be of GREAT relief and hope that it can help you or others as well. I too am still regular with menstrual, started Peri symptoms littl by little over a year ago ( all test came back normal and good health) I suffered with extreme nausea, dizziness, and fatigue ( no hot flashes even still todate
.. I can only suggest all that is NATURAL as I did not prefer to deal with any health risk or consequences-
I have found that there are vitamin(s) to help cope/deal with many symptoms from fatigue, anxiety and racing heart, muscle cramps, foggy brain, nausea, dizziness, and moods of low spirits-
I have posted them here on this forum before, but if interested I will inbox you a few things to try-
Best of health to you! ; -)
cazan11 Guest
Hi FthB,
Yes please send me what you've found to help. That would be great 😊
janeben cazan11
Is the "flower" you mention maybe Starflower Caps?
I've been taking these for many many years. It's supposed to be good for hormones. Double strength of Evening Primrose oil. I've even insisted that both of my 20 yr old daughters should take this supplement.
Can buy in the UK supermarket with orange bags!
Not sure if they are in Scotland?
Sochima822 janeben
Jane, it was me who mentioned the flower. I'm allergic to primrose, but if helps anyone else that would be super
liz67338 Guest
Hi, would you mind sending me that list of vitamins too please? Ive also been suffering these exact symtoms for past 2 years now and really getting desperate now...feel so weak every day and like I've been hanging by a thread for a year now. Would really appreciate it x
Guest cazan11
Check your message box.. hope this helps! ; -)
Guest liz67338
I sent to your mssge box... Pray something helps you!.. ; -)
If you have qstns pls feel free to ask..
I have posted some of the remedies before, but I don't want to be redundant to others who have already viewed -
Best of Health! ; -)
liz67338 Guest
cazan11 Guest
Thanks - very helpful 😊
cazan11 liz67338
Hi Liz, I can sympathise - it's rubbish! Can I ask if you've had to take time off work? I've got a meeting with HR next week so am not sure what to tell them. I've had a couple of days off over the last fortnight and I'm sure there'll be more to come 😞
liz67338 cazan11
Hi Cazan. I've almost left so many times over past 18 months... firstly I had to use up my hols very quickly then was taking time off sick alot to have tests done etc..then I spoke to a lady at spa who was an ex employee law specialist who told me employers have a duty of care etc and the lack of ventilation in office makes my symptoms I then met with HR explained due to op I had that I experience these awful menopausal symtoms worsened by stuffy office and provided letter from my doctor and now work 2 days from home....the 3 days I am in office are still a massive struggle but I either take myself away to a cooler room or get up often to go for a walk or as odd as it sounds sit in ladies for while as its very cold there and helps calm my system down a bit. I work in a performance based sales environment so from managers perspective (all male) if my performance is sustained the work from home 2 days will be OK...if it drops then I will have an issue.