Peri Menopause or not?

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My periods have been irregular for about 6 months or so now. I have not had any flushes as far as I know (and I am sure I would know!). Then in February I missed a period and my anxiety started and depression.

I had come off an anti depressant end of last year so Doctor put me back on it and said it could be withdrawal from that and menopause.

My anxiety and depression are there most days, I am signed off sick from work as I can't cope.

As the anxiety and depression is still there my doctor has started me on HRT to try and level out the hormones but I am doubting that it is even menopause to be honest.

I am totally confused but just wish I could get my life back.

My Mum had what was called a nervous breakdown in her early 50's, which was obviously her menopause, I am 53.

Any ideas would be appreciated!


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5 Replies

  • Posted

    How long ago did you start the HRT?  Maybe it's still taking time to work in your system?

    Hugs to you...I am also struggling with some anxiety due to all these new symptoms. I can't take any antidepressants so I just take GABA for it.  Helps most of the time but not all the time. 

    • Posted


      I only started HRT last week so its probable, Doc said to give it a month.

      I am just desperate to get back to normal.


  • Posted

    Hi Liz

    Wow your story is so similar to mine. I came off my antidepressants last summer and was ok for a couple of months. My periods were all over the place and I found the heavy bleeding and clots hard to deal with as I travelled away from home a lot with work. When i came off the ADs I started to experience hot flushes but put it down to withdrawal symptoms. They soon went away but a few months later I started to suffer the worst anxiety I've ever known. My anxiety was off the scale and I was experiencing panic attacks several times a day every day. Over Christmas I was so desperate I ended up at the hospital out of hours service as I didn't know what to do with myself. I was put on sleeping tablets and back on my ADs and eventually got to see a lovely consultant gynaecologist who was the first person to listen to me and hear what I was saying. I am now on HRT and have a mirena cool fitted. I am so much better than I was. I still have my difficult days but a lot more better ones than not. I have been signed off work for 6 months as I couldn't cope and have just started to go back on a phased return. I have an appointment with occupational health tomorrow. From what you are saying it sounds like your anxiety and depression is likely to be more to do with hormone imbalance. Mine has definitely improved since my hormones have been balanced with HRT.

    I really hope it works out for you. This time of life just really sucks doesn't it?

    Hang in there!

    Anita x

  • Posted

    It could be the menopause and being off the antidepressant I am on Zolft and ativan and my anxieties and depression have gone down a lot. All I can say is stay on your antidepressant and do not do HRTs because you will be adding hormones to your body that you do not need and you may have more anxieties with the side effects so just stay on your antidepressant that should help calm things down some. 


    • Posted

      Hi Susan

      We are all different and for some, HRT will really help. My understanding is that ADs don't always help for hormonal anxiety as it is the imbalance in hormones that causes it not a deficiency in serotonin. I have been on ADs nearly all my adult life and when I hit peri they didn't help with my anxiety and depression. I have been on HRT for 6 weeks now and the anxiety has definitely improved. My experience - and it is only my experience - is that at this time some women may need both. Everyone is an individual so Liz needs to do what's right for her.

      Big hugs everyone. This time of life is really sent to test us

      Anita x

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