Peri menopause or something seriously wrong
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Hi ladies it's me again..I posted last week that I felt as though I'm loosing my mind. You ladies are the only confirmation that I have that I'm not going crazy, and my symptoms are real. I've been tyalking to quite a few of women that I know and when I mention to them my symptomps they all said"oh we didn't have any problems" not too reassuring. The other night my heart njust thumped all night could not sleep.. so the next day continued thumping so i was totally exhasted.. then i broke out into a crying spell.....some days I'm ok.. some I'm not sure of myself... who's body is this?????? the palpitations and nervousness, I just don't knoe... please keep me in your prayers.. I know that there aare praying women on this post, I'm one of them...that's my best hope is in christ.. these doctors.....???????
1 like, 12 replies
maria____a64048 cathy55794
The symptoms do eventually get better. Now I only take magnesium and b vitamins twice a week now.
Indifferent cathy55794
Hi Cathy,
I am a praying woman, and I will keep you in my prayers. I too have felt crazy the last three months...mostly around my menses. Two weeks of each month i am a moody, crazy, forgetful, confused and hot woman. And I am a raving lunatic one minute and a crying blubbering mess the next. lol! I am so not sure of myself. I have told my hubby that all major purchases and decisions are HIS decisions not mine. I am not capeable of big decisions right now and I know it. I accept it. God still has a plan and purpose for our lives, and will find ways to use us even during these terrible times. Don't worry. Doctors are not the end all.
Big Hugs Sister!
becky53379 Indifferent
Hello Indifferent, I know how you feel with not being able to make major purchases during this roller coaster ride. Unfortunately I didnt get it like you did......when I started feeling perimenopause to the extreme we were right in the middle of purchasing a home. Ugh! It was horrible! So you are smart to just let your husband do the major things. I still dont pay things for now. I feel bad that it falls all on my husband but hes good about it....luckily
Im so thankful for all of the ladies on here. Everyone on here has gotten me through some rough days. I believe that God has a plan as well. We will get through this! I hope that you are doing well and I am praying for all of us daily. Take care!
jane5216 becky53379
Do you know, I hadn't even thought of that aspect of things! I've been trying to find and buy a house for months and months and I just can't seem to do it. All my friends think I'm pathetic and I haven't understood till now why I'm finding it so hard. Thank you both for that insight!
becky53379 jane5216
Guest cathy55794
There is strength in numbers and prayer does work! ; -)
It is frustrating not being able to get a definite answer from a Dr.. But in this forum you will see there is no specific AGE that can define the start of menopause.. We ladies share SO MANY of the same symptoms (hopefully after reading through the shared experiences it can help put your mind at ease) -
Hearing the TRIUMPH after someone's struggling battle is encouraging and lets me know WE are going to get through this!
Lots of prayer & support is sent your way ?
Indifferent cathy55794
maureen12052 cathy55794
Hi Cathy! I've I know what you're going through! I had
the palpitations they were so bad I was in and out of
the hospital for about two years. The cardiologist put
me on medication which helped after he increased it
to 40 mg. It's been 4 years now and I'm off all medication
I consider my self a very blessed women. I give it all to
GOD! It does get better I know it may not seem like it
right now but it will! I was on stomach medicine heart medicine both at the same time. So it will get better.
cathy55794 maureen12052
its very scary..i read if the palpitaions are lasting for more than 30 sec you should be concern my heart pounds aall night sometimes..i'm seeing another cardiologists..the initial cardiologists i saw gave me stress test and an echo said everything is fine???????????
jane5216 cathy55794
I would like to second what Indifferent said, lay off the sugar. I've followed that advice for only 2 days now and I have had the best 2 night's sleep for several months!
I mean, incredible!! So thank you for that tip Indifferent. J x
Indifferent jane5216
karen_23982 cathy55794