Peri or BII??

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is there anyone else out there that doesnt know if they are dealing with peri menopause or breast implant illness??

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18 Replies

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    I think implants would just cause more stress on the immune system and during peri our immune systems are already compromised. It's hard to know what's what, but all my symptoms came about as soon as my periods started getting wonky. Peri just compounds everything else to come about or worsen. Seems like everything has the same symptoms so who knows???

    • Posted

      yes i know!! and i think its crazy the more i dif in to this how much the symptoms parallel each other! the other thing that is hard for me is that im 44 which is def an age to expect peri but my implants have been in 7 years and they say symptoms of BiI usually start 6-8 years after implantation!!!!

    • Posted

      When women who have Bil have the implants removed do the symptoms go away?

      Have your periods changed any that makes you think it could be peri related?

      I don't have implants but have all those symptoms and more, but again, could be that your implants are causing more stress on your immune system, it would make sense they would because your body is probably always trying to fight them off.

      Does Bil happen in younger women, in their 20s? Or is it just in women in their 40s and 50s?

      IDK, I think if it were me, I'd have those puppies taken out. Because I know how awful all those symptoms are and if they would clear up it would be worth it.

      I've been following Yolanda Hadid, she has had many health issues which she relates to Lyme, but she had her implants removed.

    • Posted

      yes i would say 9 times out of 10 they claim their symptoms go away. some take longer than others. a lot of them claim theres a noticeable difference right after surgery.

      yes thats part of what confuses me. my periods have become more irregular (i might start 4 days early or 5 days late where i used to be right at every 28-30 days). and they are only lasting 2-3 days where they used to last 5-7.

      yes ive seen women of all ages have bii. some experience illness right after getting their implants and some it takes years. there was one lady that didnt notice any symptoms until 28 years later!

      ive been thinking about getting tested for lyme as well!

    • Posted

      I'd say if you are noticing your periods changing than it's peri.

      But again, having the implants might be making it worse.

      But then again.. I have all these symptoms and I don't have implants.

      I do have Lyme and EBV though. So hard to say.

      And another problem, you can test positive for Lyme but really have reactivated EBV, and vise versa. So you never really know for sure unless you have actually witnessed the tick bite and developed symptoms after.

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    what symptoms do you have ? that makes you think they might be related?

    • Posted

      my symptoms are-


      increased blurry vision

      sensitivity to light and sound

      tingling/crawling sensation in legs

      night sweats

      tinnitus in ears

      joint pain

      muscle pain and weakness

      off balance feeling

      muscle twitching

      rib cage pain

      skin paleness

      heaviness in legs



      these symptoms come in waves. i have good days and bad days. the symptoms of bii and peri are very similar and my symptoms are on the list for both. i am 44 and my implants have been in for 7 years.

    • Posted

      Hi there I don't have implants but I definitely have all those symptoms.. I'm 48 all started with bad joint pains and escalated to much more by 45 now 48 and still very symptomatic. I have no uterus or periods but still have ovaries so I am at the age for peri , so I just chalk it up to peri menopause, I know how frustrating it is not knowing what the heck is causing what.. Could be implants making peri symptoms worse, maybe hard on your immune system.. Do you have any auto immune disorders that you know of?

    • Posted

      Also it is very scary when you just wake up one day and all is not normal, which is kind of how symptoms hit me hard at 45 woke up tingling visiual disturbances and dizzy off balance shaky legs weak and been the same ever since with different weird symptoms that come and go day in and out, you name it I've had it, and as crazy as it sounds I can't get rid of it so I have to learn to live with it, sucks I know!!! I've cried had migraines that feel like what strokes are described, numbness weakness anxiety that feels like I've drank 17 pots of coffee with nervousness.. Its all so upsetting...

    • Posted

      yes and its bizarre how the symptoms change everyday!!! i could have a bad day where im just in pain and then go 2 days with hardly anything then the next day have a bad day but theres no pain its all just dizziness and crap. its making me CrAy CrAy!!!!!!!!

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    im following this as i had implants 9 years ago and never heard of BREAST IMPLANT ILLNESS , is it a real thing ? now im thinking is it that whats causing all these issues ?

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      similar to yours ive just turned 45 , at tge moment it my throat thing like a lump it feels like i have acid reflux but my irrational thinking is its much worse ! hate all these symptoms 😦

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      yeah that sounds like a symptom ive heard before. if you are on facebook ask to

      join the breast implant illness and healing by nicole group. you can learn a lot on there. just be warned that some of it scares you to death but knowledge is power!

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    How would you know if it was BII? I had 2 inplant surgeries in 1996. 2nd to correct botched. I've never considered it effecting peri in any way..

    • Posted

      from what i understand, theres no way to know for sure until you have them out. most people claim that they noticed a change immediately after explant. i would say the majority of women know that thats the problem after many other tests all come back negative. otherwise, its mainly just symptomatic. theres a lot of info on it online you can research. the crazy thing with me is that all of the symptoms i have are on both lists for peri and bii. it is so frustrating. i am leaning toward explant though bc they are not meant to stay in long term anyway. if i am having these symptoms and dont know for sure, its better to just get them out!!!

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