Peri & suffering !!
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Hi ladies .. I hope everyone is doing ok ? I contacted this forum a few months back now to try determine if I was Peri. Blood test had showed up neg but more recently my GP told me I know my body better than anyone & according to my age (45) & symptoms she was satisfied i'm Peri. Because I still have reg periods we have decided on a natural approach for now. So I now take a good quality Multi B Vit & have started Black Cohosh not even a week ago. My question is simply .. Do any of you suffer mood swings/low mood ALL times of the month? Not just when due a period if you still have them but throughout the month regardless of where in your cycle you are? So fed up feeling sad, edgy, tearful all the time 😣 Any advice/comments greatly appreciated ? xxx
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Foxy_polly kelly7171
Hi Kelly
I too feel I'm in peri even though my bloods also came back negative! I'm 41 and yes I feel low mood bad anxiety edgy and tearful. Most of the time mine is around ovulation and then a few days before my period but sometimes it crops up at anytime of the month. I'm on antidepressants and have been for 12 years due to anxiety disorder but this has heightened in the last 18 months and is different to what I use to experience it's more intense now! I too take vit b complex and magnesium and I also have regular acupuncture which has really helped and I meditate most days too! Hope this helps. Xx
kelly7171 Foxy_polly
Ah Thankyou for replying Polly .. I think I can say bfore ovulation I feel it too. But increasingly i just have low mood regardless. I too have been on antidepressants for 20 yrs for depressive illness so i know this doesn't help matters. And no get up & go either .. zero interest in doing anything day to day. I'm convinced my relationships not right for me because I feel so uninterested in everything but then other days I melt & know I love him !! It really does help to know its hormones playing up that swing your emotions all over the place. And so good to have this forum to tap into ? I hope & pray for women everywhere that comfort is found because its very difficult feeling like this 😣 Lots of love & remember we're not alone in this xxx
2chr2015 kelly7171
Hey Kelly. I'm so sorry you are feeling like this. The low moods do come and go. I will have 3-4 months of blah, and then it will ease up for 3-4 months. When I am low, I don't have much energy to do anything. So I end up just staying home, lying around and watching tv. Hopefully you will get a break soon. I just wanted you to know you are not alone ((hugs))
kelly7171 2chr2015
Thankyou so much for taking the time to reply to me 😊 Helps just knowing others know how you're feeling & with the help of this forum we can support each other the best we can .. love & hugs back to you hun ?
Azzumi kelly7171
kelly7171 Azzumi
Azzumi kelly7171
They are a natural form of hormone replacement. I have a troche with estrogen, progesterone and testosterone all levels adjusted specifically for my body. Its made by a compound pharmacist. Yes I had mood swings almost anytime of the month. It was literally destroying my life. I could cry all day or be so frustrated I couldn't function and angry. It was becoming unbearable.
debi62095 Azzumi
Are you in UK ? As I believe you can't get the bios on NHS.also do you have regular blood tests for this? Many thanks x
Azzumi debi62095
I'm in Australia. Costs me about $80.00 and lasts about 12 weeks. Which I think is pretty good value. My first lot I took for 6 weeks then had bloods and my symptoms checked and it was adjusted accordingly. Then 12 weeks on next lot which I'm still on and will have bloods done in a couple of weeks and it might be adjusted again. Then I have blood work done every twelve months for the rest of my life and have them adjusted if needed.
debi62095 kelly7171