Peri symptoms keep changing
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I feel like I'll hit all 66 symptoms of perimenopause by the time I am done with this peri hell... symptoms come and last for a few days/weeks, then once that subsides some new symptoms show up... is it me or anyone else feel the same? I have anxiety, sleeplessness, but lately headaches and now nasal congestion... I didn't have allergies prior to perimenopause symptoms started... how much more do we have to deal with?? 🙄?😫
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sharcerv52408 ampat1
I feel you, Dramisha. I have been dealing with the same thing. I have been having migraines/sinus pains off and on since August. I have a pesky post nasal drip that refuses to dry up and it has produced this nagging cough. My head feels like it's going to float away, my BP has been elevated and I have been so fatigued. My anxiety has been acting up again . I keep hoping that I am closer to the end of all of this. I hope that when my periods end they take all of these symptoms with it.
monique_93857 sharcerv52408
Oh my word you ladiea are not alone my allergies have been through the roof stuffy nose pressure on my top teeth ears aching eyes you name it along with blurry eyes from the pressure in my nose im with you when will all these crazy symptoms end i think I've been through all of them A-Z most have subsided but more appear
amy341731 sharcerv52408
amy341731 ampat1
Hi there- yes unfortunately it’s like that for me too...some weeks, it’s Terrible joint aches and exhaustion, then we move onto cold like symptoms stuffy nose headache etc. then I’m very emotional sad crying a lot… Then the stomach troubles begin, for lack of a better term bathroom issues, so much fun… Not!! Yep thought I I was going crazy or had something terrible wrong with me, but now it’s just the unfortunate cycles of perimenopause. And I don’t have even one of the ones that could be considered positive, like losing weight or something like that LOL👎 So glad I found this site. Don’t hesitate to reach out when needed, we are always here.
ampat1 amy341731
Thank you, I don't know if I can tolerate this any longer... I don't really get regular periods anymore, barely spotting. So hopefully it'll end soon.. I'm trying to do everything they recommend, clean diet, exercise, supplements like Vit D, B12, magnesium. But most days I wake up with absolutely no energy and headaches and not to mention pulsatile tinnitus 🙄😬😠
Guest ampat1
Oh god the tinnitus...I swear I am going to go deaf. I hooe you are doing ok today. I am like a dizzy vegetable today...stupid period needs to come!! 😡
amy341731 ampat1
ampat1 Guest
Lou42662 I've been reading your posts, you and I sound about the same with our symptoms. I am still in shocked how my life changed out of blue 6 months ringing and stuffy ears are driving up my anxiety and making other symptoms worse. I know my tinnitus is secondary to hormone imbalance because it started shortly after I crashed in March with panic attacks and anxiety. They say nothing lasts forever, this too will pass... I rest my hope on that...
Guest ampat1
Hi dramisha! I agree. I have a female family member, she is a nurse. Only 35 yrs old. I hear some of the skepticism in her voice when I talk about what I am dealing with. She always mentions anxiety. I told her typical response...I guess being in healthcare! Hence I do not discuss things so much with her anymore! I know one day this will pass for me and start up for her. Cannot wait to tell her she has anxiety! Stay strong fellow warrior! 🤗🙏
ampat1 Guest
Lol.... I love how you said it... so true that many people don't understand what we're going through and think we're making it up or just whining for attention. Only if they could feel our pain.... this life changing event has taught me a lot in last few months, I am hoping to come out stronger and wiser when it shall pass... love you ladies, we rock 😊😄
Finny2018 ampat1
Dramisha - this all hit for me in June; it is exactly as you have described. I don't know what I would have done were it not for this forum! There is hardly a week that goes by that I haven't compiled what feels like a mountain of research on Menopause. I am 49 and will be 50 in November. My mom had a breeze of it.
Just when I'm over a new symptom - another new one starts!!!!!!
There was a post on here recently saying "how can this be so cruel?" I continually ask myself "how is it that this drop in hormones takes a tour around every area of my body? It's so odd to me - and it's all NEW to me! I've had a very blessed healthy life up until this all started. I am truly at a loss at WHY the loss of hormones moves around all areas of my body and then stops? Why does it stop? Is it that part of my body rebelling and yelling and screaming and then it's done? I'm serious; I would like a doctor to explain the why of this - why it stops?
I had nearly half of the symptoms on that 66 symptom list starting in June! I had a tender back ache off an on for almost a month (symptom #13) - now that's completely gone. I had a clogged ear, ear pain, ear ache for almost a month off and on and now that's gone (#66 I think - related to all new allergies).
And the Hot Flash nightmare. My hot flashes come with or without sweat. With each hot flash I can sometimes experience both physical and emotional symptoms. Sometimes just physical - I will suddenly feel like I've had 15 cups of coffee - that's the only symptom - no emotions with it - just wired.
I started that over the counter natural progesterone cream and the depression feelings and anxiety have all but lifted and that was the most difficult NEW symptom that I started to experience; for this I am truly grateful.
Don't get me wrong- while those symptoms have subsided as of now - it's the nonstop new physical things I am facing all of the time; this takes it toll on me - I have good days and bad. Take care, Dramisha. So grateful for this forum!
ampat1 Finny2018
Finny thank you for sharing your experience. What's the name of the progesterone cream? Are you still getting your periods? Mine are pretty much gone... but symptoms still here
Guest ampat1
Hi dramisha, This is normal...I cycle through different symptoms only to have them show up again moths later. my vertigo seems to be the uninvited guest that will not leave! As our hormones dance around, so do the symptoms! 🙄
If it wasn't for this forum, I'd be going crazy thinking something's seriously wrong with me. I am fortunate to have had a perfectly healthy beautiful life until this hit me out of blue. It's comforting to know it's due to hormones and I'm not alone in this. But I agree why does hormone fluctuations have to mess with all parts of our body at different times. Also why some women have it so hard and some don't feel a thing, my mom also breezed through it, mild symptoms that only lasted for 6 months. No one else in my family went through peri hell. I guess we're the chosen ones, god only gives pain to those who can handle it, we're warriors. I really pray all this end soon, for all of us. Thank you ladies for sharing peri symptoms.
evi75119 ampat1
In my case I started gradually with awful PMDD ( premenustral dysphoric disorder) before 6 years.
The last two I am in full peri but still having regular periods.
If it lasts for years it is a torture for the woman!
No allergies prior to peri, too
sharcerv52408 evi75119
That's interesting that you brought up the subject of PMDD. I was just going to begin a new discussion asking has anyone been diagnosed with PMDD. I had a gyn tell me that I wasn't in peri but that I had a severe form of PMS which is basically what PMDD is. I looked up the symptoms and I have all of the classic ones. The thing is that they are so closely related to the symptoms of menopause that it is easy to get confused. I guess unless blood work can confirm where you really are it's hard to know the difference which is why it is probably hard for even the doctors to know. Since I am still seeing my periods regularly they tell me that I am not in peri.
evi75119 sharcerv52408
On May 2016, I had a corpus luteum cyst rupture exactly on midcycle day 15 of the cycle.
I had a surgery and since then my symptoms of peri are intense and almost during whole month.
I feel horrible during and after my period. I am better only the third week of my cycle.
Another doctor told me that a small part of my one ovary has removed and I think that this aggravate my low estrogen symptoms.
I will follow your discussion about PMDD!
sharcerv52408 evi75119
I actually had the same thing happen with my right ovary. The cyst that is formed monthly became encapsulated around my ovary and caused a torsion to it. So they had to remove the ovary and tube on that side. I started having symptoms immediately, mood swings, sadness, irritability, heat flashes, crawling skin. It wasn't until after I had my son that my PMS symptoms got worse. After I had my daughter the symptoms got worse. But every time I get my blood tested it all comes back saying that I am very fertile still.