peri symtpom stages?

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hi ladies. for those who are post meno do you notice from personal experience or by talking with others if symptoms have stages? i am noticing posts of women just entering peri and going thru symtpoms that i already did and passed. like dry eyes, gas and bloating for example. does it get worse as your close to being done? and is anxiety at its worst at the end? pls tell me this symptom doesnt last long. its horrible. along with vertigo

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    Kim, my response to this is it doesn't come in stages, or follow a predictable course as all woman are different.  While there are often similiar symptoms related to and in  peri and meno, some woman's bodies will react aggressively, while other's won't.  In some ways, I think this is more related to how strong their sex steriods were when things were functioning correctly, and how strong their other hormone systems remain.  As one example, the adrenal glands try to compensate for our lack of hormones after menopause.  So if your adrenal glands are weak, this can cause more aggressive symptoms as they struggle to keep up with the changes.  

    • Posted

      Thanks gailannie made me look this up Found a good page on google that shows what aggrivates and helps with our adrenal glands, cant put on hear as wont be allowed so anyone who wants the link pm me. 


    • Posted

      how do u message someone? i would like that link. i think i had/having nervous breakdown same time i started peri so im a mess and im sure so are my adrenal glands
    • Posted

      Kim ive pmd you. see your latest messages section, should be showing as you have new notifications on the top right of this page 


  • Posted

    Hi, I don't think peri has set stages, and everyone's experience is different. Some sail through menopause, while others have every symptom going.. I suffered hot flushes mainly, bad at night, waking me a lot. I stared peri about 4yrs ago. I'm 49 now. I imagine the fluctuating hormones will cause your mood swings and anxiety.

    • Posted

      Sorry accidently sent the link KIm was asking for to you too!


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