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Hi ladies I just did my blood test for hormone and tsh everything came back normal I’m 42 but have all the peri symptoms ,I’m so confused 😤the most annoying symptoms is being sensitive to cold temperature it is been a year my life is miserable with all the depression ,hot flashes and many others is it normal to get normal blood result while in perimanipouse
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jennifer85442 may69987
michelle92591 may69987
Hi May. Our hormones fluctuate so much ,so blood tests are hard to gauge.I have had many blood tests for thyroid as well. They are always in normal range, and I have nodules. Go figure that one!! I have always been sensitive to the cold as well. Hands and feet most of the year. I am 51 and know my body. So follow your instincts that your are probably peri. Mine i believe started at 45. At 50 started to miss my periods, sweats, anxiety and brain fog. Hang in there it's a journey.
karen60759 may69987
may69987 karen60759
Thanks for replaying it means a lot to feel not alone ,I hope one day we all wake up with no more symptoms I always pray for that 🙏
Kadija1966 may69987
andrea05399 may69987
Guest may69987
I was told by a few doctors that my hormones were normal as well, even though I was 52 and getting funky periods and all kinds of whacky symptoms. And then a gyn and a hormone doctor said my progesterone was almost zero. I think I was getting symptoms in my 40's, always night sweats back then as well as digestion problems. Sensitivity to cold sounds like hypothyroidism, but I'm sure you were checked for that as well. You might want to try a low does progesterone cream and see if it helps you any.
may69987 Guest
Hi Suzanne yes I was tested for progestorn it 37.4 and my estrogen 452 I haven’t seen my doctore yet but I checked my result online but I think there normal 🙄🙄