Posted , 11 users are following.
Has anyone take Ativan for stress and depression and does it work ,my doctore prescribed it for me but I just don’t want start something and get other symptoms from side effects 😤😤
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Posted , 11 users are following.
Has anyone take Ativan for stress and depression and does it work ,my doctore prescribed it for me but I just don’t want start something and get other symptoms from side effects 😤😤
1 like, 14 replies
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jane66356 may69987
I've had Ativan for insomnia caused by perimenopause. It isn't prescribed for depression that I know of being that it is a anti-anxiety medication. It really isn't recommended to take everyday as it can be addictive. I know the side effects I had from it were short term memory problems the next morning....pretty noticeable while I was at work. I would look into the side effects and usage of Ativan online (find a reputable website
Personally, I would take it sparingly.
theresa53424 may69987
Hi May, yes, I've taken it and it helped me sleep and also helps with Anxiety. I'm now on Colazapam to help with my Anxiety but I prefer the Ativan but my doctor wont let me switch over. She say's Ativan isn't used for long term use. Ha ha ha.... Wait until she hits menopause!
andrea05399 may69987
Nancy2121 may69987
Yes. Took it for many years. Although it's intended for short term use. Called it my happy pill. When taken off of it, I was in the midst of peri and didn't realize it. The withdrawals were SO awful, but I'm sure peri made it worse. If my gp will put me on it again, I'll be taking it after my next visit. My anxiety has become so bad (nearly menopausal) no periods in almost a year. GAD runs in my mother's family. My 89 year old grandma has taken Ativan for years.
Sochima822 may69987
sarah05599 may69987
Hi may, I was prescribed it last year when my anxiety was unbearable. I did stop it cold turkey after 3 weeks and had strange feelings that I wouldn't like to go through again but only take it in an emergency now. It's the only med that worked for me just wish it wasn't so addictive.
may69987 sarah05599
Thanks everyone 💕for replaying I think I will stay away from it ?I don’t want start having side effects and new symptoms ,I have enough things to deal with 😤😤
andrea05399 may69987
Bri77 may69987
I've been taking Ativan as needed for 3 years or so. I'm one of the most paranoid people when it comes to taking meds. I am happy to say I have never had a bad side effect from it. I am cautious not to over use it. But it works great for anxiety attacks and sleeping. My dosage is .5mg and it's been plenty enough for me. Good luck!
may69987 Bri77
kelly85748574 may69987
Well my original reply is somewhere in purgatory awaiting moderator approval. That's prob bc I attached a link. It is to a Dr. Evans on Youtube.. type in dr Evan's and perimenopause. Shes a naturopath. Her advice is already helping me tremendously.i have a history with ativan and antidepressants for postpartum after having my 3rd of 4 children. I was losing my mind with anxiety due to weird peri related symptoms. In a week, knock on wood..... I'm feeling great relief from aches, heart palps, anxiety, muscle twinges. My body must clearly be deficient and I was not taking enough supplements to support my body thru the changes. But yes.. in crisis..I have xanax on hand as a means to an end when my insomnia has been outrageous. That is always the beginning of the end for me... no sleep/nighttime panic. Best of luck. Keep us posted. I completely relate to your medication worries and the anxiety you already have.
Clarification bc I cant figure out how to edit my reply!!. My postpartum was 12 yrs ago. but my peri issues are what I'm struggling with now for about the past 6-8 months.
Amalie13 may69987
Ativan is my best friend. I have taken .5 since my mid 20s (I am now 51). It is a life saver during times of panic. And it also helps with sleep. Especially with a cocktail 😂