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to all the beautiful ladies ,did anyone had ana blood test and it came positive i did it two years ago and it was positive but i did some other test and they were negitive so the doctore told me not to worry about it ,but i did again the test and it is positive which will always be and i did the other two blood test ENa and DNA and im waiting for my result ,my anxity is to the roof so scared ,i was wandering if anyone had the same problem ,please

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11 Replies

  • Posted

    I am going through the exact same thing! Routine blood work showed a low positive ANA, so doctor sent me to a rheumatologist who ran a bunch more tests. Everything else has come back normal. Super scary though!!! Hang in there!!

    • Posted

      thanks heather i your reply make me feel little better ,i will get my restult by tomorrow propobly so im so nervouse im praying all day to get negative result ,

    • Posted

      sorry i meant shannon .

  • Posted

    When I was in my forties I got tested to see if I was peri menopausal and that said yes.

    Went to another doctor and got tested again and that gp said I wasn't peri menopausal.

    My sister in law,was told she was in menopause early because her periods had stopped and her mother and grandmother had early menopause.

    You can only imagine two years later without a period she gave birth to a beautiful baby.

    So in my opinion they are not always correct and GPS have a little knowledge of hundreds of things and I think there should be a menopause clinic available to women as soon as we first get the news under the guise of the well woman clinic.

    Please don't worry yourself ( sorry I'm the last person to say that , worried day and night) until you really have to.

  • Posted

    Hi I had multiple FSH and other tests that said I was not perimenopausal (FSH or 3 or 4) and a mullein test that said same, and a few that said I might be (FSH of 11 a few times). None of the tests are truly accurate as if you are in perimenopause your hormones are fluctuating every day. Hormones fluctuate even if you are not. So doctors are clueless, don't have any accurate tests, and really you have to base it off your symptoms. If you are having perimenopause symptoms, increased anxiety, weight gain, etc (google the symptoms) then no matter what your blood tests say, you are in perimenopause. Don't rely on the tests to tell you your'e not. If you are not having any symptoms than you are probably fine.

  • Posted

    Yes. About 2 years ago I started experiencing Raynaud's phenomenon. Since it got bothersome at some point I asked my doctor about it. He ran ANA test that came back positive. I already had random crazy symptoms anyway, so that made me feel very anxious. Than they ran extra tests just like you and all came back negative. I was referred to rheumatologist and will see him in few months but I read a bunch about ANA testing and autoimmune disorders. The test can suggest that there might be a problem, but not always. If the test comes back positive and you have symptoms- diagnosis can be given. If you have no symptoms, even positive test isn't taken into consideration. Sometimes test is negative but symptoms are overwhelming. It is tricky and very scary too. I hope your other tests come back negative. False positive is often found in women. I am confused about what to expect so I try not to expect anything. Hope all comes back well.

    • Posted

      thanks fir your replay hope everything goes good for u too and if your other test came negative then dont worry about it that what my doctortold me good luck hun .

  • Posted

    Please except my apologies.

    With there being forum members all over the world I thought this test was the same

    as i had for telling me whether I was in the menopause or not.

    I hope that you get the results you wish for and again please except my apologies....Heather

    • Posted

      no heather dont pologise please i understand ,and thanks i wish the best for all the women going through this stage of life

  • Posted

    hi everyone just want let u know i had my blood test result back for immune system and everything is ok ,thanks god for good result and thanks to all of u for wishing me good luck ,you ladies are the best

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